Chapter 5

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It had been raining all night, Dan was sitting underneath a card board box in a alley way, Bottle of half-full vodka in his shaking hands, The cold water was leaking through the thin card board.

The taste of stale alcohol in his mouth filled him with distant memories. Memories of the wedding after party,memories of new years eve,of Christmas,The hangovers they had together when they would lay in bed,complaining about their sore throats and heads,Cuddling under the warm covers all day until they felt better.

But it also brought back bad memories,Memories of stealing alcohol with the criminals he called friends and drinking the sour spirits straight from the bottle,The way it burned his throat and made him choke,The way his mother would lecture him about drinking when she smelt it off his breath.

"Hey buddy,you homeless?",a rough voice emerged from in front of him.

Before Dan had a chance to reply,The man spoke again,"I'll bring you to a shelter",He began to help Dan up,Picking him up from under his arm.

Dan was too drunk to protest,He let the man bring him through the streets,Onto the busy bus,through the train station and into a basement,The only thing he remembered after that was a hard fist to his face and his head hitting the cold floor.

Dan woke up a few hours later,He didn't know where he was,He looked down at his body,He was tied to a chair,The room was hot and dark,He looked around him and couldn't see anything,He felt a thick layer of sweat on his forehead,He couldn't feel his legs,And his hands were at the back of the chair.

The door opened,revealing a small line of light,A figure walked in and the lights flashed on,Making Dan flinch.

"Nice to see you again,Daniel"

Old Stranger//Phan Book #2Where stories live. Discover now