Chapter 6

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Phil and Lousie ran out of the apartment,Louise gestured towards her car and they got in.

"We need to check his parent's house"

Louise nodded,setting her satnave for The Howell' s family home.

They arrived and Phil jumped out of the car,He ran to the door and knocked frantically at the lion knocker. Dan's mum opened it,her eyes widened when she saw him.

"Is Dan here?",Phil asked,His breathing heavy and voice cracked.

"No,Why,what's wrong?"

Phil felt a lump forming in his throat,he swallowed it and sighed,"w-we had an argument,He walked out,I thought he would of come here"

Mrs Howell put a hand over her mouth,"We'll go to Adrian's",She took her coat down from its hanger and walked out of the door.

Phil nodded and followed.

They started the hour journey to Dan's brother's house,But Phil stopped them after twenty minutes.

"Wait,stop the car!"

"Why?,Phil,we need to get to Adrian's",Louise protested.

"I said stop the fucking Car!"

Louise nodded hesitantly and pulled the car over to the side.

Phil got out,closing the door aggressively, Making Dan's mother jump,Her and Louise looked at each other worriedly.

He ran through the busy street,Following his target.

He followed the figure to an almost empty road.

"I know you!",He shouted.

The man he was following turned around,"who me?",He asked sarcastically.

"Yeah,you!",He pushed the man against the fence behind them.

"I'm sorry",The man smirked"I dont know you"

"Don't lie,you came to our apartment earlier this week! And now Dan has gone missing,what have you done with him?!"

"I haven't done anything to him,But I couldn't say the same for Markus"

"Where is he?!",Phil pushed the man against the fence,Creating a loud bang.

"I'll give you a clue",He smirked,"Train station"

Phil looked around him,Noticing Waterloo train station behind then,"Waterloo?",He nodded his head towards the building.

The man nodded.

"How can I trust you? What's your name?"

"I know Dan,My name? It's Brendon"

"How can I believe you?"

"Ask Your husband.....I Mean,If he isn't already dead"

Phil let go of Brendon,Lunging him against the fence before running back to the car and telling the two women what had happened.

Old Stranger//Phan Book #2Where stories live. Discover now