Episode 6

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Just then shanaya remembered why they came here and shout, "Ohh no we came here to welcome Mrs. Naina. But we forgot her. Please purab look where is she. Already her plane has arrived." Purab and shanaya got panicked. At that time Shanaya saw one lady is looking for someone. So she dragged purab and went towards her and asked from her, "Excuse me madam are you Mrs. Naina?" The lady by looking at both of them, "Yes but are you Miss. Shanaya who are from World Star company. "Yes madam. I am Miss. Shanaya and this is my assistant purab. Welcome to Sri Lanka  and to our company. Sorry for the inconvenience." said shanaya with a guilt face. "Ohh its ok dear. Nice to meet you. Shall we go?" said naina with a pleasant smile. "Yeah for sure. Purab please can you bring the car to entrance. We will be there." said shanaya to purab. "Okay di... sorry...  madam" said purab politely but it makes shanaya shocked for a while. Because he normally not say madam to her.

Purab is silently driving. Naina felt bored so she broke the silence by asking, "So your assistant call you di." Purab with a guilty face look at shanaya, but shanaya with a pleasant smile said, "yes madam he is like a brother for me." Naina making a cute angry face, "Ohhh arrey... so then please tell me Naina. What this madam and all. Can't you consider me as a friend. This is my first time I came to Sri Lanka. And you are my first Sri Lankan friend. So please..." Shanaya with a pleasant smile, "okay madam. Sorry.... Naina." Naina chuckled a little and said, "Hope we will meet in work also." "No naina I am working in finance department so I don't think we will get a chance to work together." Shanaya said. Naina with a little disappointed face, "Is that so.... Ahh I forgot to tell nah. I got a wedding invitation from my friend. It is held in here. So I have to go for that even in next week." "That means you have friends in Sri Lanka." asked shanaya in a complaining tone. "Ohh no darling. You are my first Sri Lankan friend. I told you before nah. He is from India. I met in plane. One of the top business man in India. Very good friend of my husband. And this is her cousin sisters wedding. Sometimes your assistant purab has heard his name also. He is Mr. Abhishek Mehera." Naina said in a cool voice without knowing anything. Shanaya murmured "Ohh that Arrogant Idiot" Naina somehow heard  it and with a surprise tone, "what?" Shanaya understood she heard it and try to explain, "Actually naina he is purab's bhai. I met him at air port before you come. Because of him I missed you for a while. He behaved so arrogantly. That's why I called him Arrogant Idiot." Shanaya said with a pout. Both naina and purab chuckled hearing that "so you already know him. Actually shanaya others tell he is arrogant. But he is such a nice guy. I know him from long time. He changed a lot after his break up with his girl friend. Before that he is a very cool and funny person. That incident make him little bit rude." Naina said with a serious expression. This story is new to shanaya, but she can't ask  from naina noh. So she became restless to know more about it from purab.

But at that time she got that now she has a friend to attend to purab's sisters wedding and felt happiness. So she expressed her happiness by sharing that with naina. Naina too got happy for that... so they two start to discuss what they will wear for function. Purab silently smiled for her di's childish behaviour.

Precap - "Did i over reacted?" He felt upset for that. Suddenly light smile came to his face remembering shanaya's childish behaviour of demanding for sorry.

So guys am I making you all boring with this story???😟 if it so I am sorry... I will try to make it interesting in next episodes...☺

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