Camryn First Seeing Julia

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Im honesty too far up Julryn's ass to not write about them
Dont judge me

Sweat poured down my body as i put my hands on my hips, leaning on one leg and took deep breaths in. Cheerleading was my favorite sport, and even though ive been doing it for years it still managed to make me breathless by the end of practice. School practice was never as intense as my outside cheer team practice. Those coaches worked me to the bone, not caring if I was dead on the floor bleeding. To them, if i could stand then i could cheer.

I didnt mind that much, considering this was a literal part of me. I loved it, and i had started at a young age, allowing myself and my skill to grow over the years. My outside cheer team, the Silver Light, pushed me to my limit, but my regular school cheer team, usually called the Lady Panthers, just manage to get me winded.

It was really a warmup for me when i practice for the Lady Panthers, but i loved it all the same.

"Alright ladies," Our coach said, her eyes scanning over her clipboard as she marked down another person. "Talia, its your turn to take the Pom poms home. Bring them next practice, okay? Dont forget the signs too."

"Who had it before again?" Talia asked, redoing her messy braid into a new, more finesse one.

"I did," I said, raising my hand up. The pale brunette looked to me, still doing her braid, and nodded.

"Oh, okay. Where did you leave the bag? Is it in the locker room? " She asked, walking to me.

"Yeah, but dont worry. Ill get it." I said, and Talia smiled.

"Thanks Camryn."

I smile in response, but then as i was about to turn and head into the girl's locker room i heard a snort. I turn in the direction of the sound and see a few feet away from me Sarah Bennet.

The girl who hated me.

You would think i am exaggerating when i say this, but im really not. Ever since i transferred to this new school she has had some sort of vendetta against me. I never understood why. I first noticed when she refused to acknowledge me as the coach introduced me to the team. Then when the coach said that she had to base me, Sarah refused immediately. There were other small things, which me and my passive heart just left it to the excuse that i had an overactive imagination.

Like when she "accidentally" shoves me when we're trying to walk in the gym. Or when her shoulder roughly bumps me as we get into formation during the routine. Or when she cuts me off when i try to park at a school parking lot. Or when she sends me glares as i walk by. Or when she had began spreading rumors about me the first day i was on the team. I totally imagined all of those.

She was talking to two of her friends right now, both of whom were in front of her but on either side, making the trio look like some sort of triangle with her at the tip. Her body was facing her friends who were talking, but her head was turned to me. Her arms were crossed as if she was in disapproval, and her hazel eyes were narrowed right at me.

There was contempt in her expression as she gave me a once-over and arched an eyebrow as if to say "Why are you here?"

Before I could do anything she turned her head back to her friends, but it was in a way that reminded me of how those evil queens would look away from peasants in those old fairytales.

I remove my gaze from her, the entire encounter lasting no more than a couple seconds, and made my way to the locker room.

Sarah Bennet irked me. I didnt understand how someone who knew so little of me could treat me the way she has. I mean, its not like she's tried to strike up a conversation with me. Any amount of conversation we exchange ends up with me smiling but confused and frustrated on the inside and her angry and just plain bitchy.

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