The Beginning - Lena's POV

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"Oh shoot, I'm late!" Lena shouted as she ran through the halls. Not watching where she was going she ran into a tall girl with long raven hair that was tied back in a messy ponytail and yellowish brown eyes that seemed to sparkle.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The girl spoke with an alluring french accent, "I seem to have gotten lost, could you point me in the direction of the drama theatre?"

"Uh, no problem, luv." Lena responded blushing slightly while scratching the back of her head. "It"s, uhm, down the hall and to the left."

"Ah, thank you, ma chère. I'm Amélie by the way." The girl said as she walked off.

"Amélie...Who the hell is Macher?" She whispered to herself. Lena stood in the hall dumbfounded while looking at where Amélie walked off to before realising that she was supposed to be meeting up with her friends. She quickly went to her locker and grabbed her bag before hopping on to her bike and ridding towards the cafe they'd planed to meet at.

"Sorry I'm late." She said as she took a seat at the booth where her friends were waiting.

"It's alright," Jack said as he gave Lena a mint-chocolate milkshake, "We, kinda expected it."

"Thanks, Pops." Lena sighed as she took a sip of her milkshake, "you all know me so well."

"Yeah, yeah. You idiot, just cram your face into that milkshake." Ana said sarcastically.

"So. Why are you late anyways?" Reinhardt asked.

"Well, I met this really girl named Amélie, and she just made me lose track of time."

"Oh! You mean that french girl?" Jack asked.

"Yeah! Do you know her?"

"Not really, but Gabriel does."

"OooOooh, you mean your boyfriend..." Ana teased.

"W-what, he's not my boyfriend! We just work well together." Jack blushed. "By the way, would you guys be interested in being in a movie we're working on? It's still in development but I think that I you guys would be perfect."

"Alright, count me in." Lena said as she grabbed her bag and stood up. 

"Where are you going?" Reinhardt asked.

"I just have stuff to do back at school." She responded.

"Don't pester her, Reinhardt." Ana smirked.

"But I w-"

"She's probably going to meet with that girl" Ana snickered.

"W-what! N-no I'm not! I-I just have stuff to do." Lena said; flustered.

"Yeah, yeah." Jack sighed, "I'll text you the details later."

"Thanks, I'll see you later." She said as she left the cafe.

Lena got on her bike and went back to the school.

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