A Friend - Lena POV

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Lena returned to her apartment. The ride home had calmed her down a bit, but she was still heartbroken over the events that had just unfolded.

"Man, am I an idiot." She sniffled as she quietly made her way towards her room. She careful not to disturb her roommate as she walked past his door. He was rather earnest about completing his work and usually preferred not to be interrupted whilst doing so.

"Lena, is something the matter?" Her roommate said when he noticed her.

"Y-yeah, E-everything's just peachy, luv!" She replied; trying to sound chipper, "W-why would you ask?"

"Well, you're at the apartment in the middle of the day when you should be in class. Something must've happened."

"Really, Winston, I'm alright." Lena said feebly while making her way to her room, "Thank you though..."

"Okay, Lena, but if you need anyone to talk to I'll be here for you."

"I know, I just," She sighed as she closed her room door, "need sometime to think."

Later (after school), Ana POV

"I wonder what he wants to talk about" Ana thought to herself as she stepped into the library with her cousin  Fareeha, "it better not be more about his boring science thesis."

"Why did you want me to come with you?" Fareeha asked as they took a seat at a table.

"This way, if he starts to talk about something boring you can say you feel sick and we can leave." Ana replied, "plus you don't have any lectures right now, so you're free."

"Fine, I'll help you out," She whispered, "but if anything weird happens, you're on your own."

『Tracer is online』


『Horus is online』


              「Did something happen?」

Tracer:「Amelie has a boyfriend!!!😖」


              「Who's Amelie?」

Tracer:「Amelie's the girl I like.😩」

Horus:「Well how do you know?」

Tracer:「I saw her and some hot guy talking and he called her his lover.😩」

Horus:「Well, did you talk to her?」



Horus:「Well, perhaps you misheard, or took in out of context.」

              「It could just be a recurring joke.」

Tracer:「 I guess...😞」

Horus:「So what are you going to do?」

Tracer:「I don't knowwwww!😭」

Horus:「Well maybe you should talk to her.」

             「Ask her if she's in a relationship.」


Horus:「I have to go.」

             「I'm meeting with someone right now.」

             「Try not to mope around too much. You'll make Winston worry.」

Tracer:「Thanks, luv🤗」

『Horus is offline』

"Wow! How did Amélie get herself in much drama." Fareeha whispered.

"What do you mean?" Ana asked. "Are you up to something?"

"You'll see." She laughed.

Ana put down her phone and watched as Gérard walked towards her.

[Wahhh!!! I didn't want make Phara & Ana cousins, but I didn't know how to make them anything else & still be family members around the same age...]

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