The Fool's Plight - Ana POV

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"Why did you call me here Gérard?" Ana sighed as he took a seat in front of her, "This better not be so that you can talk about something dumb." Just as she said this Gérard broke into tears.

"W-what happened?" She asked, confused. It was rare that she saw him cry since he was usually the one that would help others in need.

"Amélie said that she doesn't love me." Gérard sniffled, "I t-think she likes someone else."

"A-Amélie?" Ana asked, "W-who's she?"

"My fiancee." Gérard replied meekly, "She's always been opposed to marrying me, but I didn't think that she'd fall for someone else. How do I win her back?"

"Did she ever even love you in the first place..."Fareeha whispered, "Ah! suddenly I have a massive headache. I should probably go"

"Oh, do you need me to come with?"

"Nope. I think I'll be fine." Fareeha said, "Besides I think that your friend really  needs you right now." She smirked as she grabbed her bags and left.

"Shit." Ana whispered.

"What was that?" Gérard asked.

"Nothing." Ana replied, "So, what happened?"

(Gérard explains everything...)

"Gérard, if she still doesn't love you after everything you've done," Ana said, "then I'm sorry, but I think you should give up on her. It seems like she honestly isn't interested and it would be foolish to continue pursuing someone who feels this way."

"I know I am a fool," Gérard sighed "but I cannot stop myself from feeling this way. Perhaps it would be best if I just concentrate on my studies back in France."

"If it will help you get over her, then perhaps it would be for the best."

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