The Date [Part 2]

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Amélie was holding a bouquet of Ranunculuses. "Amélie?" Lena was confused as she received the flowers. She glanced back at Jessie who had dashed behind a bush. "What is this?" She asked.

"Well, you didn't really think that I didn't have anything planned for our first date did you?" Amélie chuckled as she blindfolded Lena and took her by the hand, "Let's go!" Amélie lead Lena to their destination and sat her down.

"Um, Amélie?" Lena asked, "Can I take this blind fold off?"

"Wait one second..." Amélie whispered whilst setting up her surprise. She seemed excited which way a nice opposed to her more stoic personality, but Lena still loved her serious self since she got to see a bashful Amélie peak out of her cold exterior every now and then. "Okay, now." Amélie said as she removed the blindfold.

"Wow!" Lena gasped as she looked around. "What is this?" Amélie giggled as she looked at the gleaming stars reflected in Lena's eyes.

"Well," Amélie sighed, "I wanted to have a picnic with you under the stars, but it's the middle of the day, so I had this mobel planetarium thing set up in the park." She said as she pulled a picnic basket out from behind her. 

"This is wonderful." Lena said with a smile and opened the basket. "Huh?"

"W-what is it?" Amélie asked as she glanced inside the basket, "What's this?" She pondered as she took a note out of the now empty basket.

「Hi Amélie, how's your date going? Good? Bad? Well, anyways, you're probably wondering what happened to all your food. Well, the answer's easy. I ate it.

Think of it as payment for helping you out.

- Love, Jessie.」

Amélie turned red while Lena burst out laughing. "How can you be laughing at a time like this?" Amélie asked.

"Because," She giggled, "who could've thought that after everything that happened, Jessie would steal our food."

"I guess it is rather odd." Amélie sighed.

"Besides," Lena blushed as she leaned in and kiss Amélie, "this was the best date I could've asked for."

"Yeah, I guess it was."

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