The Fool's Heart

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Lena entered the school and as she made her way towards the drama department she heard music coming from behind a door. Curious, she sneaked inside and saw Amélie practising her dance on stage. She quietly took a seat in the shadows and watched as Amélie struggled to preform her dance. After several tries, she finally successfully portrayed the part she was trying to do. Elated Amélie cried out in excitement. Just as Lena was about to congratulate Amélie and show herself, her attention was drawn to another person who was clapping from the other side of the theatre. The two of them looked at the direction of where the sound was coming from and saw a kind looking man walking towards Amélie.

"Gérard?!" Amélie exclaimed, "W-what are you doing here? I thought you were in France."

Lena, now confused, decided not to reveal the fact that she was there.

"I thought I would surprise you." He replied as he hugged her and kissed her forehead, "Is that not something lovers do?"

Mortified, Lena dashed out of the theatre in tears. "She has a boyfriend, I should have known." she cried as she got her bike and went home.

Meanwhile, Amélie's POV

"Gérard, you know that I don't agree with our arranged marriage." Amélie sighed as she nudged him away from her.

"But what is wrong with marrying me? Our parents want us to be together and, I love you, Amélie."

"I know, but you have to think about my feelings too, Gérard. I do not love you," she sighed," You have an incredible life ahead of you, Gérard, je ne me vois pas dans cela, nous ne pouvons être ensemble."

"Amélie s'il te plaît ... donne-moi une chance..." Gérard pleaded.

"Gérard, You know I can't do that." Amélie sighed. "besides there's someone else I-"

"Amélie, I understand." Gérard said as he walked towards the exit.


"Mais je n'abandonnerai pas mes sentiments pour vous," he said glancing back at her as he walked away, "remember that..."

"You are a fool."

Amélie - Je ne me vois pas dans cela, nous ne pouvons être ensemble. : I just don't see me in it, we can't be together.

Gérard - Amélie s'il te plaît... donne-moi une chance. : Amélie please... just give me a chance...

Gérard - Mais je n'abandonnerai pas mes sentiments pour vous : But I won't give up my feelings for you.

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