Chapter 10

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So today I had another photo shoot. It would be another perfect regular one but the thing is, BTS had to be there. I know what everyone is thinking, "Gurl they gonna be staring at you in a bathing suit I'd be working it if I were you." Well the thing is...i actually look like a no joke. It's not that I don't think im pretty I'm just self conscious.

So i was in the dressing room which I got a new manager and she was much better and we were talking about up coming events that I have to do.

"So you have to be on your game with the YouTube videos and I want you to do a few videos with the boys I think they will enjoy it. You need to get to know them since you're going to be spending a year with them on tour."
(I know it's not that long and the tour has already started and stuff but just pretend with me)


"Yes. You have to get packed within the next two weeks and next week is another hair oppoinment."

Welp. I think Imma just die in a while now with all the crusts where I belong.

I was ready and went out to the beach where they were ready to film. I don't only model for swim wear. Actually this is only my second time but summer is starting and I need to get that sponsor.

I didn't see the boys in sight but I'm pretty sure they are in their trailer that is very close to where I'm doing my photo shoot. That gives me less worries.

Once we were all done I just stayed and put my feet in the water thinking about how lucky I am. Millions of girls would kill to be me and I feel so sorry that aprotinities like this dont come to alot of girls.

I kept thinking about that subject until I heard my name being screamed.

"ALEXIS~AAHHH" I turned around to find out that v was running straight for me.

"TAE I FUCKING SWEAR," I yelled. I know he didn't understand me so I had to run to find rapmon on the bus. I was still in my bathing suit so when I walked in the bus everyone was stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I could feel the blush creeping to my cheeks but I just decided to continue doing what I was doing.

"Hey rapmon, can you tell Tae to be careful because I'm kinda scared of open water and I didn't want to be thrown in or him to feel guilty if he did."

"Yeah sure thing. It's really thoughtful of you to do that." He said with a big smile which of course I had to return.

They exchanged conversation for a little but while me and the boys would every now and then would mess with each other. One of them would poke me and another one would stick their tounge out at me while I would throw little things at the boys that were in the trailer.

"He said he understands and that he really likes it when you call him Tae."

I look at Tae and he was basically hiding and blushing when Jimin was teasing him.

"Shut it chim chim I think it's cute." All it took for Jimin to blush was to hear his nickname which made all the other boys giggle.

"Ask them if they want to go by the water."

They all agreed and we all headed out. Me and jungkook were the last ones out. We tried  our best to hold a conversation and it worked out pretty well.

Right before we reached the water I heard him say, "I like that on you." In all English. After he said that he BOLTED. like he was out like Jimmy neutron. This kkiiidddd.

We played in the water for what seems like hours. I of course stayed where the water would only reach my knees but so did yoongi so I didn't feel alone. I did feel a little uncomfortable because every time I looked at him he would be dead ass staring at me.

We were fixing to go home when I asked rapmon to translate one more thing for me.

"Hey my manager wants you guys to be in my next video so is it cool if we go home and clean up and you guys come to my place to film. I'll buy pizza."

"Yeah I'll tell the boys. We will be there around 9:30 probably."

"Thank you so much. See you later." I said before I rushed to my car that was waiting.


Okay I know I said they other day how i would post within a day but the very next day I was surprised and my parents were like "You're going to your great grandparents house for 4 days" so yeah that happened and yesterday I legit blacked out twice in the middle of the store. It was scary dude. My aunt (surprisingly my age) had to call my grandma to come get us and it was bad fam...anyways I gonna try harder I swear.

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