Chapter 14

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I sat at the corner of the gas station waiting for mason to pick me up. I walked there to get away from home. Things were bad again and I wasn't just gonna sit there and watch my family be the walking pieces of shit they are so i called my best friend mason to meet me there. He still wasn't there so i decided to text him.

'Hey where are you. Ive been sitting here for a while and there is a creepy guy lmao'

A split second after I sent the text my eyes flashed to the scene in front of me. It was masons car crushed by another car. It was cause by a drunk driver not paying attention and running a red light causing it to hit masons car. As I saw the crash scene my vision switched to a younger me. I saw myself at my dad's old friend's house. I as eight at the time.

'Come here sweety. I want to tell you something.'

'Sorry Mr. Johnny but my dad said I had to be home before we eat.'

'Don't worry he knows where you are. Just come here. It will only take a gew minutes.'

I saw my younger self inch towards him not knowing what was to come behind that closed bedroom door.

'NO! DON'T DO IT!' I screamed hopelessly a at myself. But the little girl decided to ignore me. She walked into that room and right before that door closed she stared right in my eyes. I couldn't bare to see myself go through that again.

*end of dream*

I woke up screaming. Screaming until I couldn't. Those memories are what haunt me. They have been haunting me for years.

I begged. Begged for the dreams to stop. Begged for God to give me another life. Begged for me to die. I couldn't take all of it.

Within a couple minutes the guys showed up. I forgot I invited them to stay the night since we got back from the skating rink late.

Jin was the first one to teach me. He grabbed me and out me in his arms and let me scream my heart out. The others found a place to sit in my room. I should have known the night  terrors would have come back.

'Ssh. It's okay. We've got you. You're okay.' Jin whispered in my ear.

'Why did he have to go? Why did he have to touch me? Why did he do that to me?' I said hitting jins chest with my clinched fist.

This was the worst panic attack that I've had in a long time. Ive guess I've just held things in for to long. I keep pushing the fact that those incidents happened because I want to forget them so when they suddenly appear it's hard.

'Please don't leave me' I begged more.

'It's going to be fine lexie~ahh we won't leave you. We promise. You have us.' Namjoon comforted me. His words have me hope. Hope that someone will love me again.

It took a while to calm down but finally I did. I moved myself off of jins lap and layed on my bed. I stated blankly at jimins hands which happened to be in front of me. I grabbed them and just fiddled with them until I closed my eyes

I felt a dip in the bed suddenly disappear as I heard a soothing voice owned by none other than yoongi say 'I'll be right back.'

I drifted off to sleep for who knows how long until i felt a wet object on my face. I opened my eyes to see the best thing in the world.

A YouTubers Dream x BtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang