Chapter 5 - I only wanna do bad things to you~

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Big boss was frozen in front of me somewhat believing that I'm a ghost, "Just kidding but that would be cool though, meeting the undead. Don't you think that's cool? Like if I met one I would totally go-"

"Cinder" he interrupts me as I stop talking and look at him. He sends me the 'come on now' look, "Oops, sorry I got carried away. Anyways, what were we talking about? Ah my family. Well to put it simply, they're dead"

"Can you just stop with your jokes already?"

"Jokes are the funny way of saying the truth you know"

"So you're saying that they're really dead? Then how did they die?" He question as my smile turned upside down at the sudden memory that played in my head but I instantly shook it off and smiled again, "I'll only tell you next time if you buy me McDonald's" I stood up and heading outside the door but before I could even take another step, I was abruptly carried onto his shoulders.

"Hey what are you doing!" I raise my voice, earning the stares of the people from the street. He didn't respond and just walked his way inside the building which cause another staring from the staff members, "S-sir welcome" the lady bows to him but he just continued walking to the elevator then to his office. He then throws me on the couch and walk over to the desk, dialing someone from his work phone, "What's the status on Simeon?" he ask over the phone while stripping his grey top and switching to a black suit with a black tie that had white zigzag print then he wears a black gloves. Now he had a complete 'ceo killer' look.

"He's on the move" the voice responds as he hung up the moment the unknown caller had talked, "Stay here until I come back"

"But I have school tomorrow and where are you going?"

"Stop being a child, you've been kidnapped babe, face reality already. You can go ahead and cry later about your school" says Big boss as he then leaves the room. I walk over to the door and twisted the doorknob only to find myself locked inside.

"HOLY LLAMA HE LOCKED ME INSIDE" I panicked, beggining to pace around the comfy room and stressing about the amount of school work I have to put in when I come back.

That's not even a problem. My mind reassures me.

"You're right" I told myself.

I sat back down on the expensive couch and thought about what to do. It didn't take more than a minute until an idea clicked in my head.

What did you think of this time? My inner self ask me.

"Not much" I said in a joyous tone, walking over to his desk and looking through the drawers and found some files resting. I opened the file and found a case of a very familiar man. I instantly close the file as if I never saw anything and moved on to the next one only to find another annoying face again, "Why the hell are these faces popping out here?" I question myself in a serious tone, the memories of each individual person replayed in my mind. I sigh and move on to another door which led to a luxurious modern bathroom.

The floor was pure marble, shining uncontrollably and the fancy textured ceramic wall made the atmosphere of the bathroom more elegant than ever. The tub rested on the far right while on the left side had a glass shower that seemed to be unused. But what my eyes landed on was the TV across the tub, pasted on a wall.

I rasied both of my hand in shock then quickly running the water. I added all the liquid soap in the purely white tub then once it was filled up with water and bubbles. I then strip my clothes in the speed of light and jumped inside. As I was in the tub, I took my time to examine everything. He even owned all kinds of expensive products. I couldn't even begin to imagine how much this whole place must have been.

"I only wanna do bad things to you- so good that you can't explain it, what can I say it's complicated~" I sang using my best vocals while playing with the bubbles. I grab a pile and made a mustache for myself then laughing the second later which was not a good idea because I accidentally sniffed the bubbles, "Owwww, that burns" I pinch my nose to ease the pain, "I wonder if this is how sniffing coke feels like. Wait do you even sniff coke? Or do people sniff dirt? What do they even sniff in the first place?"

After bathing for who knows how long, I use the white towel that seemed to be unused and dried myself. Then that's when it hit me, "Oh crap, I don't have clothes."

I laugh at my stupidity and decided to wander around the office for clothes.

Honestly, is this even an office?

"Doubt it. Even Llama's couldn't live here. It's more like a condo" I responded to my thoughts, opening an unknown door that led to another fancy room. His bedroom. The spacious room smelled exactly like him. The tall windows from the right were covered with soft brown curtains so the sunlight could barely pass, then in the middle was his black and white bed that also consisted of black and white sheets and pillows. On to the left side of the bed was a small rounded, glasses table that had a magazine resting on top. As I looked around more, I noticed another unknown black door leading to who knows where but when I opened it, there was clothes resting all around. Half of the side consisted of a suit, tuxedo, and proffesional shoes while another side consisted of normal clothing, neatly arranged boxers and other types of styling shoes.

I almost fainted at how bright the room was in my eyes and mentally starting to have nosebleed but it was just me being overly dramatic. I soon grab one of the most comfortable shirt I could use and put it on as I wore one of his boxers, "It's so much more comfortbale than my own clothes" I told myself.

It's cause you dress like an old hag.

"Do not!"

Do yes.

I kept fighting with my inner self until I grew tired and decided to fall asleep and enter the world of Llama's where they have purely white wings, some having pink and blue butterfly wings.

Who would've thought that Sean was invovle with those people? What kind of person exactly kidnapped me?


Well then what do you think? Any thoughts on Big boss or Cinder?

Sorry if there's not much character's right now, but I swear more characters are going to be involve soon!

Question of the chapter:

If it was raining outside and you were stuck inside the car but you needed to get home, how would you go out?

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