Chapter 21 - Yelling can be so tiring

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     I was inside seven eleven with my grey sweats and a matching grey sweater while my hair was tied into a bun. Your typical lazy outfit. And I was your typical lazy girl.

My eyes were open the whole night that I barely got sleep. I'm EXTREMELY TIRED from thinking and suffering non stop. This uncomfortable feeling is worst than being tortured. I AM MENTALLY being tortured to death.

I should visit a doctor.

"T-thank you..." the cashier stutters, gawking at my state. It was a school day, Monday, and here I am being absent for the first time on my own will. "I feel like throwing up" I gauged. I don't know if it's me being overly dramatic again or I'm actually going to throw up.

This is why I need to stop being dramatic.

As I arrive home, I throw myself into bed and took a quick fifteen minute nap. When I woke up, I still felt completely empty. I feel like something is missing. I'm so bored and tired and sleepy. And it's hot.

Ding dong.

Someone rang the doorbell as I unwillingly stood up to open the door, "Simmy?" I question, his face blurry from my perspective but I knew it was him.

"Cinder are you okay?" He says while grabbing my shoulders. I blink my eyelids a couple times to get a clearer view of his face but my sight gradually became worst. What's happening?

"Why are... you here?" I spoke weakly. For some reason, all my energy was gone. I should be full charge since I took a nap.

"Why wouldn't I be here? You texted me saying you're mad at me for kissing you then you message me again saying you don't feel well then after that you just kept leaving me on read. You even ignored my calls" Simmy sighs as he carry me to my bed. I didn't even have time to react since my mind wasn't functioning properly. But all I could care about is sleep. I want to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, I felt somewhat better. I feel as if a heavy weight from my eyelids became lighter.

As I got up the bed, I look around and wonder why there's a man's shirt on the floor. That's when it hit me, "Simmy!?" I yell, wondering where he is.

He's next to you idiot. My mind told me.

I look over to the bed and saw a shirtless Simmy sleeping next to me. AND WHAT'S WORST WAS THAT SOMEONE WAS RINGING THE DOORBELL CONTINUOUSLY.


"SIMMY GET UP" I yelled but he didn't move an inch assuming he's a HEAVY sleeper.

Not good.

"What to do what do" I whisper to myself. I quickly hop off the bed and grab his shirt and wore it then I opened the door next only to find BIG BOSS standing outside with an impatient look. Without saying anything, he welcomes himself inside but I push him away, "You can't come in!" I said with all my might.

Yelling can be so tiring.

"Why? Who's shirt is that?" He ask, inching closer then sniffing me. It only took that one move of his until he pushes me away and walks inside my place. But I DIDN'T want him to know about Simmy for some reason so I used all my strength and forced him to sit on the couch.

"Stop it! You can't just walk into someone else's property without a permission!" I yelled.

"So what? You're my property and I have the right to know what's going on"


"But I rented this apartment with my own money?" I ask him confusingly.

"Stupid that's not what I meant"
"Then what did you mean?"
"No nothing. You wouldn't even understand anyway"

When it fell silent between us, I heard creaking from the distant. Simmy was awake. I REPEAT SIMMY IS AWAKE.

"BIG BOSS I UH IM ON MY PERIOD SO CAN YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE" I raised my voice, extremely ashamed of my excuse but it was my last resort.

I had to.

To my luck, he obediently left the apartment and texted me that he'll come pick me up later to talk to me about something, "God what am I supposed to do" I sigh at myself.

Moments later, Simmy came out of the room as I took off his shirt and put it on him. I didn't really care if my body was exposed because my mind was too stressed out about Big boss, "You need to leave. As you said, a man and a woman alone together is dangerous" I said, throwing out all his stuff along with him.

Once I was finally alone again, I fell down on the floor and let out the longest sigh ever. "What the heck am I doing"


I was at Big boss's office, just sitting across from him in silence. He was busy with work so I couldn't really talk to him about anything. And as time continue to pass, I felt myself growing inpatient. I mean why isn't he asking about the event this afternoon? Does he really not care?

I'm glad that he's not asking about that event but why do I feel like I want him to ask me about it? It's irritating that he doesn't look concern about me. Not even once.

When boredom and my impatience finally reached it's limit I decided to talk, "Big boss" I called out his name but his eyes never left the computer screen. From the glasses he wore, I saw a reflection of the computer screen. There was a bunch of words that I couldn't see.

What is he searching up?

"Big boss" I repeated myself but I was ignored again. What's his problem? Did he not hear me? Is he mad?

"Big bo-" I started again but Kat opens the door and rushes to us, "B-boss Simeon wants to meet you" she says.

His eyes widened in shock as he left the room without saying a single word. Frustrated, I followed him but he was walking extremely fast that I was left behind.

"Where did he go" I stop my tracks when he disappeared from my sight and there was two turns that I had to decide which to take.

Hmm, what's my favorite side?

Right. My mind told me.

Listening to my own mind, I took a quick right then rushed to the first door but nothing. So I went to the second, to the third, fourth, fifth. Nothing. Just as I was about to give up, I opened the last door near the elevator and what waited behind that door was something I never expected.

Now that I think about it, his real name might be Simeon.


Big boss, Simmy and I spoke at the same time.

What a weird twist.



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