Chapter 1

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Vancouver Island, BC, 2017

"Why do we argue about this every time? Alexis, Josh Ramsay is not a bad guy. Do you know what he's been through? You don't even know him, how can you say that he's a dick?" Libbey asks, opening my refrigerator and pulling out a loaf of bread. I'm sitting on the couch with my feet over the back and my head hanging off the seat.

"All famous musicians are dicks, that's just how it works. They make a lot of money, they get arrogant because they can afford the things other people have to work three hundred times harder to get. Josh Ramsay can't be any different!" Of course I'm right, as always, and Libbey lets out a huff of breath in defeat.

"So you wouldn't go to their concert with me?" She turns to me with the biggest smile on her face.

"Now, I never said that. Their music is still decent," I say, swinging my legs onto the ground and standing up. "Why, when did you get tickets?"

"I bought them last night. I've still never seen them, and I love the band and their music so . . . I just bought tickets." I couldn't be more pleased, because that is my influence on her speaking. She never used to impulse buy anything, and I'm sure she probably thought for a long time about these tickets, but she still bought them.

"When's the concert?" I ask, grabbing a slice of bread and smothering it with peanut butter. I fold it in half and take a bite, waiting for Libbey's answer.

"May twelfth," she replies in a squeaky voice. I know that date, that's . . .

"Libbey! That's your birthday. You bought yourself a birthday present?" How am I going to top a concert?

"Nobody else was going to buy them for me, and I wanted to go so badly. I couldn't let the opportunity pass me by, especially because it's my birthday!"

"I'll go, but I'm taking you out to supper and getting you a surprise after the concert." I smile, taking another bite of my sandwich. She'll never guess what I have in mind . . .


Libbey and I sit across from each other at Jules' Diner. This is our go-to spot, I don't think we've eaten anywhere else in about five years. They know us by name and all our weirdness. Today, especially, we probably look ridiculous, dressed in 80s style clothes and makeup. It's the night of the concert, and I can't wait to tell her I got VIP tickets for after the show. Only one, actually, for her. I don't want to meet the band, but I know Libbey does. Desperately. It's practically an obsession, but I like to feed the fire.

"I'm so excited to see Josh perform live!" Libbey squeals after she's finished her scrambled eggs. "But I have to go home straight after. My parents did their research, they know the show ends at 10 and that our house is only fifteen minutes away. If I'm not home by 10:30 they'll have my head."

"What?! But my surprise, you'll miss my surprise!" I'm not sure what to do. How am I supposed to let her go home after the concert without meeting her idol? I have to figure something out.

"I know! Can it be rain checked?" I don't want to tell her no, and I don't want to tell her what the surprise is. If she knew, she'd try to get out of her parents' stupid rules. I'm usually all for that, but my fingerprints are all over this one.

"Let me see what I can do," I sigh, placing a wad of cash on the table and standing up. "Shall we?" We walk out of the diner arm in arm, people staring more than usual at the pair of us. I guess it must be a sight to see: a short, stalky Asian and an average, pale-as-glass blonde both adorned in neon and legwarmers.

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