Chapter 7

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"So, I've been thinking," Josh smirks, as he sips his diet coke. We're sitting in Jules' Diner waiting for our lunch to come.

"That's dangerous . . . " I laugh. He sticks out his tongue so that his tongue ring gleams at me. "Do you want me to bite that thing off?" I comeback sarcastically.

"Sweetheart, you can try, but it's been here for fifteen years." Josh defends, kicking me playfully under the table. "Anyways, I was thinking, because tomorrow is our one month, we should do something special."

"Like what?" I'm genuinely curious, we only ever eat at Jules' and we don't really go out to events. You'd think there would be more, considering that Josh is famous, but I guess he never really gets invited to things. Or maybe he just chooses not to go . . .

"Like," he drags out the word until he runs out of breath: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike. "HavingourfirstsleepovermaybeIdunnoifyou'reupforthat?" 

"Say what now?" I think that was a record for how fast someone's ever said a sentence in one breath before. Needless to say, I have no idea what he just said.

"Like, possibly, maybe, I dunno, if you're up for it, and don't feel uncomfortable . . . "

"Spit it out, Ramsay!" I swat at his arm teasingly. I have a feeling that I know what he's going to ask, and maybe that's just because I'm only registering his supersonic-ally fast sentence now. He takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes.

"Would you like to share a night together?" He asks a little too formally. He must be nervous, "With me?" He adds, just to clarify.

"With you?" I tease. "Gee, I don't know, I thought you were going to say with Libbey . . . " Josh waits in anticipation, but I don't give a direct answer.

"Is that a yes?" He asks hopefully. I nod, taking his hand across the table.

"Come over around seven. I'll rent some movies, buy some popcorn,"

"Don't forget the funions!" He smiles, lifting my hand to his lips. The colour in my cheeks is rising, I can feel it.

"Chilli dog and fries," A waiter interrupts, placing the order on the table in front of me as Josh drops my hand. "You two are just adorable!" The waiter gushes, turning back to the kitchen.

Josh takes a fry from my plate, "Think we can make cutest couple at the office?" He jokes.

"Which office? My work doesn't allow dating between coworkers."

"That was a premise for one of our music videos," he laughs, watching me eat. I vaguely remember the video he's referring to.

"That was, like Celebrity Status or something, right?" Josh looks offended for a second, then shakes his head, laughing.

"I love that you're not my biggest fan." He takes another fry and answers my question. "It was All to Myself, Celebrity Status is the one where I scream 'Pomegranate!'" Pomegranate? Why pomegranate?

"You know what? We're going to watch every single one of your music videos tonight. And all the songs that don't have music videos, we'll just listen to them." I need to get more familiar with his music if we're going to keep dating. What better way to do that than to listen to them all with him?


The door buzzer goes off and I press the intercom button. "Who is it?" I sing song. Obviously it's Josh, but I like to tease.

"The one and only," he replies. I can imagine the smirk on his face and it makes me smile. I ring him up and stand at the door in anticipation. I look out the peep hole and see him round the corner, so I open the door. "You were waiting for me?" He grins, walking into my apartment with a backpack slung over his shoulder.

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