Chapter 5

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Libbey hasn't been returning my text which, in turn, leaves me ignoring Josh's text. He's sent about twenty a day for the past four days.

Have you talked to Libbey yet?

Did she say it was okay?

Are you not allowed to talk to me?

Is this a case where no news means good news?



Answer me please

I'm getting worried

There are so many more, and I feel awful about not answering them. One of these days, he's just going to show up at my door . . . Which is exactly what I need to do to Libbey!

I drive to her house and sit in my car for a few minutes, collecting my thoughts, before getting out and approaching her front door. I knock three times and stand at attention, the way her parents like. The door swings open to Libbey's mother in a beautiful blue kimono.

"Oh, hello Alexis. Libbey says she doesn't want to talk to you," she says smugly. I want so desperately to roll my eyes, but I restrain myself (if you couldn't tell, this is a feat for me).

"I know she doesn't, but I need to ask her something and she's not answering my texts. It'll take ten minutes, I promise." She opens the door wider so that I can enter her house.

If I had to describe what Feng Shui is, I would direct you to the Yang house. The whole air of their home is peaceful and well balanced. Then you walk into Libbey's room, and the Feng Shui is broken. Clothes and books are strewn across the floor, precarious piles of CDs line her desk and dresser and there are a few posters coming untacked from the walls.

"Momma! Why did you let Alexis in? I asked you not to," Libbey glares at me from her bed.

"Lib, come on! I really need to talk to you." I'm practically begging, and I can tell that she loves it. Her mom shuts the door and I walk towards the bed. I sit beside her and let out a dramatic sigh. "I know you're mad at me because of Josh, but can you try to move past it? Josh, he asked me, he wants me to be . . . I mean, Josh and I want to ask you for your blessing to start dating."

Libbey's mouth drops open. Then she looks at me in confusion. "You care about my opinion?" I nod sincerely. How could she think I wouldn't care about what she thought? "Well, I'm not crazy about the whole thing, but if he makes you happy . . . I guess you have my blessing. But, could you see about getting him to give me a second chance? I was really caught off guard that day."

"Of course! Thank you so much, Libbey!" I am almost crying with relief as I hug her. She smiles and hugs me back.

"I'm glad we could work this out. Now, let me ask you this: how long has it been since you texted him?" My eyes go wide, I should probably do that right now.

"Almost a week . . . I didn't know what to tell him. Do you mind if I call him right now?" Libbey laughs and shakes her head, so I pull out my phone and dial Josh's number.

"It's alive!" He answers. "Is the jury still out on our relationship status?"

"No, I showed up at her house and made her talk to me." I put the phone on speakerphone and nod at Libbey.

"I have one stipulation: you give me another chance to see what kind of person I really am. I didn't mean to freak you out last week, but you have to understand that I was in shock. So, tonight we celebrate at Jules' Diner!"

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