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Hey, y'all! I'm back! So I read Scarlet, the second book in the Lunar Chronicles, sequel to Cinder by Marissa Meyer! I got the book with the bonus materials because i roll that way! I was reading the question and answer and one was this:

Q: second books can often be more difficult to write than the first books. Of the series you've read, what is your favorite second book?
A: oh gosh, I could never choose just one! Second books that have completely blown me away include: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo, Fire by Kristin Cashore, Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement-Moore, Insurgent by Veronica Roth, Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake, and Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins.

When I read this I was just like:

Hdsicjdbsisldndiapsmcndiwkms!!! One of my favorite authors is a fangirl too!!!

Another question was:

Q: what would Scarlet and Wolf be like today in our world?
A: that's an excellent question! Maybe a reader can write some contemporary/alternate-reality fanfiction so we can find out. Ha!

So, there will be one of those coming up! If you like the Lunar Chronicles look for that soon! If you've never read them I encourage you to GO CHECK IT OUT!

The long chapter I promised you is coming! I promise!

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