Smile (Him)

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   And there it was, the slightest smile. The right corner of her mouth lifted just a fraction, her face half hidden behind her dark hair. If you blinked you would miss it. But there was no way I was going to miss such a rare sighting. That smile, that minute movement was what I lived for.

   That feeling you get when you hear your favorite song was the feeling I got when she laughed. The ache you know all too well when a heartbreaking memory emerges is the same ache I feel when I watch her walk away. Those nights you can't sleep because you remember something you did or didn't say years ago and the embarrassment of it all comes flooding to your cheeks and swelling in your chest, are the emotions I feel after I think I must have said something wrong in her presence.
   She was the one I wanted to impress in a crowded room. The only approval I ever needed.
   I've strived to earn affirmation that I was doing something right. And after what felt like an eternity I was finally bestowed with what I've been searching for. That smile. Oh, that smile. No one noticed it, but I did. Boy, did I.
   It was like uncovering the rarest of gemstones hundreds of feet underground. It was as if the stars had ignited in her eyes revealing the warmth that hid within the darkness of space.
   I would make it my life's mission to be the reason behind that magnificent, that breathtaking sight whose significance no one would understand but me. She had shown me a glimpse of heaven, and I was eternally in her debt.

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