Somebody Else (Her)

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   You helped me realize something very pivotal about myself. I am content being alone. I don't need anyone. But you, you always need someone. Someone to hold, someone to reassure you, someone to depend on, someone to depend on you.
   I've been on my own for so long I don't know how to be with somebody else. You've always had someone so you don't know how to be on your own.
   I may have been alone, but I was rarely lonely. I had my moments, sure. But, I knew I could learn by myself, I could grow and become someone better on my own. I knew who I was without anyone else, my worth wasn't found in someone's opinion of me. I was my own person. My own woman.
   But, you never gave yourself the chance to discover who you are outside of someone else. You let your relationships define what you wanted and who you were.
   I couldn't help you. I knew who I was, I had my own identity and I think that frightened and intrigued you. You wanted me to be your missing piece, but I couldn't. We both wanted different things.
   You have to decide what you want the story of you life to be about before you go looking for characters to fill it with.

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