Simply Beautiful (Him)

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She was beautiful, to put it simply. But there was nothing simple about her. Her intricacies, her complexity all made up the girl standing right in front of me. But, she was so much more than just a girl. And she made me feel like I was so much more than a guy, just by looking at me.
She wasn't what most people would call beautiful. She was broken, fragile. She was pieces of shattered glass glittering in the sunlight after a vicious storm. The scars on her heart stand as proof she put herself back together; and no one was around to see her succeed.
Life had torn through her soul and left her mangled and cold. The waves of love crashed upon her cold shores leaving her peaceful existence desolate in its wake.

And yet, she still managed to rise above the wreckage. She stood victorious, she didn't let the cuts and bruises life had left on her keep her from coming back stronger than before.

I wanted to be the one to tenderly kiss her hurt away and show her the patient love she deserved. I wanted to be the one to tell her her scars were beautiful, that she was worthy. But, she already knew. She already knew she was strong and capable. She didn't need me. I knew that, but it didn't change the fact that I still wanted to be the one in her life that she came to at the end of the day, tired and weary. I wanted to be the one she laid her burdens on and carried them for her. If for no other reason than to prove to her she wasn't alone. That I was here for her if she should ever need me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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