Newport Beach

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 I wonder where you are when you paint this-- what you mean by this solitaire man in his bleeding red shirt pointing a rifle at sea birds who encroach a little too close on his territory. What you mean by the thrusting blue waves, so much taller than the little man and his tiny dog, frozen in the looming tide of teardrops. Why he doesn't turn to higher ground, join the other speckled figures in their heartbreak colors, paired on cliff edges high above the whittled down beach. Even those with company are islanded, worn by time, like the sea beating the beach further inland. And what do you mean by those escaping ships, their sails masquerading as clouds, far away where the rocks and waves don't touch them, leaving man and dog adrift on shores as the salvific masts sail further away.  

----apr 6, 2017first attempt at ekphrastic poetry (????)

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apr 6, 2017
first attempt at ekphrastic poetry (????)

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