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Just leave me shipwrecked.
On this little slice of land,
you cannot touch me.

You were not close enough
to toss me a life vessel.
There is not room for two here

Give me sauna paradise.
I will stay warm by the fire
in my stomach.

I will drink the tears
I have been holding back.
Clean my wounds with its salt.

Right now, it's too precarious.
I gut fish with wooden stakes
and think of worse things.

I have enough shelter.
I've already armored my heart,
booby-trapped the land so you won't find me.

Call me Amazonian.
I know the forests of my mind,
and you are tripped up by the vines.

Leave me on this island;
I'll leave you in the trees.
I still feel you when I breathe.

apr 24, 2017
lol i've definitely hit the point where i think all of my writing is shit. it's all downhill from here, folks!

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