refrigerator poem

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somewhere i am still crayon child,
and when i run up to you with sunshine
in my eyes, brandishing my latest scribble
of a poem with colors spilling out of the lines--
the paper all soft and feathery in your
large hands and my eager, expectant face
waiting for your response-- please pin up
my painstaking masterpiece. i have hand-selected
each careful color, designed every odd detail,
and now i hand my crayon poem over to you
& hope that somewhere i am still crayon child
to you, and you will be gentle and not leave me
shambling in snapped crayons and ripped
shreds of poetry.   

apr "12," 2017
oh god, have i've reverted back to all lc. why am i writing poetry at 1:40 a.m. instead of sleeping since i have an exam tomorrow. the world will never know.

wattersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora