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In the night split with lightning shock,
an endless boy slips, his parries unsure
& they left him there on mermaid rock.

Captain Hook cowers when the crocodile clock
tick tocks, its silhouette no longer obscure
in the night split with lightning shock.

Rough hands cuff small wrists with rusty locks.
He wrestles with the chains, but they are secure
& they left him there on mermaid rock.

His lips turn blue, and ravens squawk
as water blackens with cold vapor,
in the night split with lightning shock.

This, he thinks, is the chopping block,
as boyish thoughts become mature,
& they left him there on mermaid rock.

With quivering lips, he begins to talk,
"To die would be an awfully great adventure."
In the night split with lightning shock,
they left him there on mermaid rock.  

apr "14," 2017
my first villanelle ever. i don't know what possessed me to try this.

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