Chapter 5: And This Is Why We Don't Play in the Pool

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FYI, Stein is just a made up minor bad guy. I have no idea if there is any actually Marvel or Rick Riordan villain named Stein. When I first wrote the name, an asshat I know was being pretentious and telling people if they hadn't read Frankenstein they were, essentially, uncultured swine. So in honor of generic ass number one, generic villain Stein was created.

Percy's POV

The sun was gleaming through the window and for once Percy was awake without her mother having to entice her with blue cookies. She was scurrying around her room looking for training clothes, she decided on long black leggings a light grey shirt and a navy jacket. Natasha had told her she would be teaching her self-defense but she wasn't quite sure what that would entail, nor did she know where they were going and in Manhattan it was better to be safe than sorry.

Smiling she looked out her window almost unable to contain her excitement. It was going to be a good day.

Natasha's POV

Natasha hadn't gotten much sleep. A bunch of Stein's goons had tried to blow up a police station in an attempt to lure both her and the files she had, out of hiding. She had gone, without the files, and aprehended them, unfortunately the bullet wound she had gotten from them yesterday had opened up and DAM it hurt!

So there she was stalking through the artifically lit halls of the Shield Helicarrier, injured, sleep deprived and just generally pissed off. She really hoped no one bothered her or else there was going to be one less shield operative running around. As she was brooding an announcement sounded through the halls.

"The seven thirty meeting has been moved from room 2B3 into room 3D9, thank you for your cooperation."

It's 7:30, Shit I'm going to be late! Today is going to be terrible

Third Person POV

Percy had arrived ten minutes late, she would have been on time but the strange creatures had kept distracting her. There was a huge variety of them, ranging from small brown rat like creatures to the large pink tentacles she had seen the day before. There had even been a scaly green woman who had tried to get Percy to follow her, but had left when a pink tentacle had gotten too close for comfort.

Eventually she had managed to make her way to building where she had agreed to meet Natasha, feeling terrible over being late the entire time. That is until she was greeted by the woman, running to the meeting place, as panicked as Percy was. When the two reach each other they both couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous expression the other sported. It took a while but eventually the pair finished laughing and grinned at each other, glad they weren't the only one that was late.

Natasha walked to the front gate of the building, motioning for Percy to follow her, and punched a long code into a keypad. The metal gate slide open with barely a sound revealing a small, beautifully landscaped yard. There was a gravel path leading to the etched metal door, which required a numerical code, verbal password, and fingerprint and iris scan. The inside of the building was designed in a modern style, while the exterior was more industrial and had a less finished look. However the two styles complemented each other and seemed to enhance the positive qualities of both.

Natasha lead the slightly awestruck girl through building, chuckling internally. There was a home theater, huge kitchen, multiple fire places, an abundance of bed and bath rooms, an Olympic sized swimming pool and a whole floor devoted to training/gym equipment. And it all belonged to Natasha.

After the tour it was decided that Percy's physical abilities, general knowledge and tech knowhow would be tested, and that the language she wanted to learn should be chosen. Percy was extremely excited at the prospect of learning another language, when she was younger she had known a bilingual girl and it was so cool when she switched between languages. She decided that her first language would be Spanish, as it was related to English, with similar gramar and sentence structure. That day Natasha agreed to speak in English, however from there on out she would only speak in the chosen language.

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