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today you and i walked together to class like usual. you we're my best friend, my only friend actually. normally we sat next to each other in class but today something was different. there was a girl in my seat. we we're both confused.

"minjae, take a seat next to seokjin please, we have a new student with us" the teacher stated. i hesitantly sat next to the boy, taehyung. i watched as you and the girl began talking. she made you smile as i quietly sat behind you guys. it hurt. it hurt to watch the two of you. hopefully this wasn't a constant thing.

the boy next to me was kind. he was a little shy but that was okay with me. jin was what he told me i could call him but i didn't have a nickname. i have many nicknames for you. yoongay, yoongs, grandpa, grumpy, suga yet you had none for me. i hope for tomorrow to be different because today was a bad day.

electric love; min yoongiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя