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i walked up to you today to say hi but all you did was glare at me and told me to go away. you then walked off with her, again. i just cried by myself outside the school building until hoseok came up to me. he let me cry and rant to him about you and how much i miss you.

no matter how much i love you, hoseok is way better than you'll ever be. he doesn't leave his friends behind, he doesn't make them cry or feel pain. he's the best friend anyone can ask for which is why i feel i don't deserve to be friends with him. i don't mind i'll enjoy my time with him while it still last just like i did with you.

i heard you started dating her and i've never been more heart broken in my life. you ripped my heart out, yoongi and you stomped on it. how could you? you were my best friend. hoseok came to my house with ice cream and we sat and watched movies. he's the only one that ever stayed with me through it all. i love him for that.

but you left me, all because someone better came around. and yet i still don't hate you. i wish i did but i can't. you were my first love and you still are. you always will be, min yoongi.

electric love; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now