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it's been an entire week without you by my side. tell me, does she really make you that happy? if so, im sorry, sorry that couldn't do that for you. at least you're happy, that's all that ever really mattered to me. a new boy came today, jung hoseok was his name, he told me to call him j-hope. jungkook doesn't really talk to me anymore and jin is normally busy. hopefully this friend i've made sticks, he's been kind to me and treated me well. my 'hope' is what he normally says.

"jahee~ are you okay?" asked hoseok, usual joyful tone in his voice. how does he remain this happy all the time? i didn't understand.

"yes, hoseok, im fine~" the smile on my face said one thing but the look in my eyes said another. hoseok noticed this of course but didn't question.

"i'm your hope, jaehee~ so come to me for anything" he was too kind to me. i didn't deserve this. j-hope, i hope you find someone that deserves your joyful personality and needs your hope. the only one i'll ever need for me to be happy is yoongi. im sorry, hoseok, you do make my day more enjoy now that yoongi has stopped talking to me.

i remember when you touched my hand last. the electric feeling i felt slithering deep in my bones. years we've been friends and i've loved you from the very beginning when we were little. i went all these years never telling you my feelings. i miss i could have but now i think its too late.

i feel this story is really bad.
i hope people are enjoying it even if there's nobody reading im still gonna keep writing.
don't forget to vote and comment if you do read this :-)

electric love; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now