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i really liked jung hoseok and i wanted the same butterflies to be there but nothing came. he made me happy and feel loved still what's different now? i didn't understand. we saw you again as we walked throughout the halls of school. your eyes were puffy and your nose was red. have you been crying, yoongi?

i wanted to do nothing more than run up and hug you tightly. i couldn't do that though because i was the reason for your tears. i don't think i can bare the thought of knowing that. i wanted you back more than anything but i was scared. scared that the moment i let you back in is the moment you tear me back down for hoseok to pick me back up.

during class i had left saying i had to use the bathroom and so i had done. but the moment i walked out of the bathroom i ran into a hard body. my eyes locked up with yours. we both said nothing, just stared.

"minjae, how have you been?" yoongi asked in a quiet voice that still seemed loud in empty halls.

"great and you?" minjae smiled gently at him, ignoring all the times he had hurt her recently.

"been better.. look-" yoongi started but the bell rang and minjae apologized, taking off.

the look in his eyes told her that he was going to apologize to her. she couldn't take it. the pain in his eyes, the way his arm reached out for her as she was leaving. it all hurt so much. she let a single tear fall as she walked out of school, leaving her stuff and hoseok. it was painful. i'm sorry, yoongi. for hurting you even when you hurt me.

electric love; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now