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you've changed recently, yoongi. you've been ignoring your girlfriend, why is that? i thought she was perfect for you? the better me. you left me just for her and now you're angry. you have no right to be. i'm happy and now it seems i'm the only one that moved on.

hoseok snuggled into the crook of my neck as we both laid in a tangled mess of our bodies. he was warm, your body was always cold.

"what are you thinking of, my sunflower?" asked hoseok.

"about how warm you are when we cuddle" i half lied. i was also thinking of yoongi. hoseok just smiled softly, digging his face deeper in my neck.

you walked past me and hoseok in the hall and ran your shoulder into him. i wondered why you would do that to such a sweet person. hoseok called you out for it, not looking for a fight but an explanation.

"i didn't see you, that's all" you answered with a very sarcastic voice. hoseok asked what your problem was and you replied:

"your stupid, hideous girlfriend is my problem" ouch. yoongi, you hurt me once again. hoseok was the type of boyfriend to get jealous or angry and never show it but i could always see it. and he was very angry.

i told hoseok to stop when he pushed you up against a wall. he listened and backed away but you weren't done. you were angry, lost, and upset so you made me cry as you beat up my sunshine. you looked up at me with apologetic eyes but how could i ever forgive you?

electric love; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now