I'm Going To Get You Out

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Mal's POV
We were at my house in LA. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded no and hugged him. We stayed in that position for a while. "We should go Mal before they close up visiting" he said. I nodded. I took my purse and we went in the car. He drove us to the police department. I guess Harry could tell I was nervous because he put his hand on my thigh to stops me from shaking my leg. "There's nothing to be nervous about" he said. We arrived. We went in and asked if we could see Ben. We were allowed. We went in the room and sat at the table. I'm surprised we were allowed to be 2 at once. Ben walked in and the guards shut the door. He sat down across me. He grabbed my hands. His were so cold. I was going to say something but tears fell from my eyes instead. "Say something, anything" he said. "I love you"  I said but I didn't look at him. I felt him staring at me the whole time. He lifted my head to look at him. "I love you too" he replied and kissed my hand. He put his hand on my cheek and wiped away my tears. "This'll be the last time I get to touch you" he said and weakly smiled. "We're going to have to talk through the phone instead" he added. We were staring at each other with tears falling from our eyes. "Gil's my cell partner" he said and we chuckled. "Ben, what did you do?" I asked. He sighed. "Last week, I was feeling jealous because of you and Harry so I decided to drive around..." He started saying. "Please tell me you didn't do something" I begged. "Let me finish" he said. "So I was driving around and I saw Gil. He was sneaking into this building with this other guy. I don't know what they were going to do but I knew it was bad. So I followed them in. But now I'm guessing the officers thought I took part with the bombing of the building. They think I was with them bombing the building but I left once I lost them. They didn't even bomb the building while I was there. But they showed me the tapes and the guy was dressed up exactly like me. He had a mask with my face on it and he was wearing my style. He was like my twin. So now the officers think its me!" He explained. "Well then why don't you explain that to them?" Harry said. "You don't think I've tried?! I would do anything to get out of here and be with Mal but they don't believe me" he said. "I'm guessing that's why you two are sharing a cell" I asked. He nodded. "But why would someone do this to you?!" I asked. "I don't know" he replied. There was a knock at the door and it opened. "You have 2 minutes" he said and closed it. We got up. "I will get you out I promise" I told him. He got on his knees and put his hands on my belly. "Daddy can't wait to see you. I love you and your mommy very much" he whispered then kissed my stomach. I smiled and a few tears rolled down my cheek. He stood up. I hugged him tightly. "I love you so much" he whispered. "I love you too. I promise I'm going to get you out of here. Whatever it takes" I whispered back still holding onto him. I kissed him passionately. He got close to my ear. "Even though I know you were bawling your eyes out.... You still look smoking hot" he whispered. I giggled. "Don't worry about me" he said and cupped my face. I leaned my forehead on his. "I wanted to tell you that I will always love you, even if you don't get out of here I will always be yours. Your kids and I are with you, always..." I told him and a few tears rolled down my cheek. "Don't think like that baby. I will be with you and our babies soon, okay?" He replied. I nodded. "Goodbye, for now" I said softly and kissed him hard. I backed away a little and our hands let go. I walked out of the room.
* "Harry wait" Ben said. He turned around. "Take care of Mal please. I need someone to do my job and I want that person to be you. You've always been there for Mal and now's the time she needs you there for her. Please take care of her" he told Harry. "I will. Don't worry" he replied and smiled. They bro hugged. "Oh by the way she has an appointment for the baby tomorrow. Please go with her" Ben added. He nodded. "Thank you. See you next time" he said and Harry left.*
I got in the car and waited for Harry. He got in. "Before going home let's grab a coffee" I said. He nodded. He drove us to the nearest Starbucks. We went in and ordered. We sat down and drank silently. He was eyeing me. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded no. He wiped my tear away. "Common let's go home so you can get some rest" he said. We got up and he put his arm around me. We grabbed our coffees and went in the car. "He's going to be ok, right?" I asked him. "Yes he will, because you and him both know he's getting out of there" he replied. I smiled and nodded. We went home. "Goodnight" I told him and went upstairs. I changed into my PJs and got in bed. A few minutes later I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking of Ben. I got out of Ben and went quietly into Harry's. I got in his bed slowly so I don't wake him up. "Mal, why are you here?" He asked and turned around to face me. "I'm scared" I replied and looked at him. "Of what? There's nothing to be scared about" he said and brought me closer to him. "I'm scared that Ben won't ever come home. That he'll be stuck there forever and that I'll be a single mother for the rest if my life. I don't want him to be locked up. He didn't even do anything wrong" I cried. "Come here" he said and brought me closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I layed my head on his chest. "We are going to do everything possible to make that not happen. We are going to get Ben out, I promise. I don't want to spend the rest of my life seeing you be miserable for your rest of your life" he said. I smiled. "Can I stay? If its not weird... I can leave if you're weirded out" I asked. "Its fine, we've been in the same bed before..." He said. He probably just realized what he said. "Never mind.... Yes you can stay" he changed what he said. "Goodnight" I said and turned around. "Goodnight" he replied. I felt safer with someone rather than being by myself. He grabbed my hand and intertwined it. We fell asleep.
The next morning...
I woke up and woke Harry up as well. "Are you coning to my appointment with me?" I asked and got out of bed. "Yep" he replied. I left to get ready. I wore

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