Proof? Or No Proof?

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Omg they're so cute😂😂😍💘^^

I'm going to start doing the 'previously on Forever Together...' But it won't be the same sentences as the last chapter. Like I'm just gonna sum it up in my words.

Previously on Forever Together...
Mal and the gang went back to the isle to find out what the secret meeting is about. The VKs want to turn good.
CJ kissed Ben and Mal saw it. She's now mad at him and isn't talking to him until he has am explanation. She's going to the Gracie Awards with Lucas and Harry.

Mal's POV
I love Ben. I really do. But I can't take this anymore. This is the second time this has happened! I don't want it to happen again. We got back to Auradon so Harry and Lucas can change. We walked in. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" My mother asked me. I ignored her and matched upstairs. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I slammed my door and bursted out crying.
* The others heard the door slam and a soft cry after that.  "What happened?" Belle asked the boys and Evie. "Mel... Go check on your mother" Evie told her. She ran upstairs. "CJ kissed Ben and Mal saw but she thinks Ben kissed her" She explained. "But she knows that Ben loves her" Belle replied. "This is the second time this happens. I understand where Mal is coming from" Evie said. "Well weren't you there? Can't you just tell her Ben is telling the truth?" She asked. "We were but I don't want to get on her bad side" Harry replied. "Yeah me too. Even though I'm basically her sister, she won't believe and then she'll get mad at me. That's why I don't want to get involved" Evie replied.*
There was a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I asked softly. "Its Mel" she replied. I wiped my tears away. "Come in" I told her. The door opened. She came to hug me. "Are you okay?" She asked and sat next to me. "I'm perfectly fine" I replied and smiled. "Then why were you crying?" She asked. I laughed. "Tears of happiness" I lied. "I love you" I told her and kissed her head. "I love you too" she replied and hugged me. I held her tightly and smiled. "I have a meeting to go to now then an award but I'll be back before you have to go to bed" I told her. "Ok. Bye" she said. "Bye" I replied and she left. I fixed my makeup a bit and took my ring off then I went to the council meeting. They stood up and bowed once I walked in. "Let's get this started. I have to attend an award show that's gonna start pretty soon" I said. "Shouldn't we wait for the King?" Merryweather asked. "No. He's not here. Its his fault" I said. My hands were on the table and I guess they noticed I don't have my ring on. "Did you guys break up?" Aurora asked. "Is this anyone's business?!" I yelled. "Its my life. I don't have to tell everyone everything!" I added. "Can we just start the meeting please?" I asked annoyed. "Because if not, I am getting up and leaving. I have better things to do" I asked. Everyone was shocked so it was silent. Ben walked in the room. "That's it. I'm leaving" I said and got up. I knocked my shoulder in his really hard. "Mal" he said. "Don't talk to me" I replied walking out of the room. I went downstairs and walked outside without talking to anyone.
* "ok then...." Lucas said. "This is gonna be a long night" Harry huffed. "Good luck boys" Jay patted them on their backs. "Why? We aren't nominated or presenting" Harry asked. "Oh I know. I meant good luck with Mal. You're gonna need it" he replied. Everyone laughed. "Just make sure she isn't gloomy in front of the press. They're going to ask her questions... and you know Mal when she gets aggravated" Evie said. They nodded and left.*
"You boys ready?" I asked them as they walked out. "We need to talk to you first" Harry said. "Don't think about Ben tonight, ok?" He said. "We're with you and we're going to have a good time. We don't want you to be gloomy all night" Lucas told me. I nodded. I used my magic and we appeared in the entrance of the Gracies. I walked the carpet alone while the boys followed. They didn't take pictures though. "Boys, come in for this one" I told them. They came on both of my sides. They took a few pictures with me. I went to do an interview and they stayed a bit behind. "Hi Dove" she said. "Hi" I replied. "So you start filming for Descendants 2 very soon. How do you feel?" She asked me. "Well we are starting rehearsals like tomorrow and we plan to start shooting in a month. I really think the second is going to be bugger and better than the first. The first is just basically a movie about how we live. But the second one is about my past. I had this feud with Uma and that's basically what the story is about" I explained. "And Uma is China Anne McClain, right?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm here with my costars tonight" I said and turned around. "Boys come" she said. They walked over. "This is Lucas. He's one of my... Long time friends" I said. He looked at me. "I've been.... Friends.... With her for so long" he added. "Let's play 'Most Likely To...' " she suggested. "Ok" Harry replied. "Oh Lucas. By the way, she's just going to ask us questions and we have to answer who would do it" I told him. He nodded. "I changed up the game just for you guys, since well you basically live in a fairytale. So some of the questions aren't ordinary" she said. I nodded. "Who is most likely to start a sword fight?" She asked. "Lucas" Harry and I replied. "Me? I say Thomas. He always has a sword on him" Lucas protested. "Who is most likely to get mad at someone easily?" She asked. "Dove" Lucas replied. "Yeah Dove" Harry said. "Totally me. I get mad at people easily....." I said slowly. "Is this morning a perfect example or is that a good reason to be mad? Because I really want him to find proof and everything be back to normal" I asked the boys. "Its a good reason to be mad. Don't worry. He's an idiot" Harry said. "No comment there" Lucas added. "We should really get going. Thank you for having us" I told her. We went inside.
After the award show...
Hairspray Live won an award! Now we're on our way back to Auradon. "Hey, where is everyone?" I asked Cogsworth. "The pool" he replied. "Thank you" I replied and we went upstairs to change into our bathing suits. Its only like 7 o'clock in Auradon. I put mine on and I waited for the boys. We went outside. "Guess who won an award tonight?" I asked opening the gate. "ME!!!" I yelled. I high fived Evie. I set my things down on a chair. Our pool area basically looks like a public pool, but nicer and no one is allowed except the royal family and friends. I got in the pool. I swam to the deeper end. "Hey Lucas can you help me out?" I asked and stuck my hand out. He reached out for my hand and I pulled him in. "Mal!" He yelled. I giggled and swam away. He swam after me. He caught me and pulled me to him. "Not here. Ben and my kids are like right over there" I whispered. He kissed my head. "Mmm do you mind?" I asked and moved his hand off of my butt. "Sorry" he replied. "E can you tie it tighter please?" I asked. "I can do it. I'm right here" Lucas said. "Its not that I don't trust you... Its just that I know you're going to let go and everyone will see my breasts, which I'm not comfortable with" I told him. I swam to the edge. Evie tied my bathing suit tighter. I looked at Ben playing with the babies in the water and I smiled. I didn't even notice that Evie finished but I still felt her behind me. "If you're mad at him why are you staring?" She asked. I turned around. "Because I love him. I made a mistake, didn't I?" I asked her. "I didn't want to get on your bad side, but he was telling the truth" she said. "I-I should go apologize, right?" I asked her. "Probably.... " she said. I swam over to him and the kids. "Hi cuties" I said and kissed their heads. They were in this floaty thing. "Shhh... Guys look" I heard Evie whisper. It immediately went silent. Ben and I's eyes locked. He leaned in slowly. I was going to say something but I got cut off. "Mom can you pass the ball with me?" Mel asked. I sighed and pulled away. I heard everyone groan. They really want us to make up. "Sure" I replied to her and fake smiled. We passed the ball for a bit.
15 minutes later...
Mel passed me the ball but it went over my head. I turned around quickly but I didn't see Ben so I bashed into him. "S-sorry" I apologized. "I-it's fine" he replied and gave me the ball. I threw it back to Mel. "Ben wait" I told him. He turned around because he was about to get out of the pool. It went silent. "Yeah?" He asked and swam back to me. "Can we talk?" I whispered. He nodded. I turned back around. "Mel I have to bring the kids to bed. Play with your other mom for now" I told her. I took Bella and Ben took Jake. We wrapped them in towels and we took our own towels. We went upstairs and changed the kids out of their bathing suits and into their PJs. It was silent the whole time. We put them to bed. "Can we talk after? I have to take a shower" Ben asked. I nodded. "I'll be outside in the garden, waiting for you" I replied. I changed into

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