That's The End Of Us?

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Ok so the title doesn't really have to do anything with the whole chapter... Just a part of it😂 there's soooooooo much going on in this one😂
Mal's POV
I woke up to Ben yelling at someone on his phone. As soon as he saw me he hung up. "Hey sorry I woke you" he apologized and kissed me. "Its okay" I replied and kissed him. "So who were you yelling at?" I asked, while my hands were in his hair. "Someone from the council. They're saying we're putting Auradon in danger by going to the isle. Which, frankly, doesn't make sense to me" he replied. "Lie down on your back" I said and sat up on my knees. "What why?" He asked. "I'm helping you. You're already stressed and the day hasn't even started. Just do it" I replied. I placed soft kisses everywhere. In a swift move he turned us over, so now he's on top of me. "This is not how I wanted this morning to go like" I said and kissed his neck. "We have to gooooo" I whined while he was kissing my neck. "You are going nowhere" he replied and held me tighter. "But seriously baby we have to go to rehearsals" I said and he looked at me. "We never get to be alone. Its always rushed our time alone" he complained. "I know I know. But when all the events we have finish, then we'll have plenty of alone time" I told him and kissed his cheek. I went to get dressed.

 I went to get dressed

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We got on the bus and went to the isle

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We got on the bus and went to the isle. "I really hope you two made up" Kenny said as we walked in. We laughed and nodded. "Okay so today all we're doing is rehearsing the 'Its Goin Down' choreo. Not the sword fighting, just the rap and the moves" he said as we put our stuff down. "I don't even think we need to do the sword fighting because all of you know how right?" He added and we nodded.
After lunch...
"Ok Dove start the second verse" he said. "*sigh* ok look, this is not a conversation, its a do or die situation! If you don't give me back the—" I stopped because I was in pain. I shut my eyes. "If you don't give me back the king " Kenny reminded me. I shook my head and opened my eyes. "—the king I'll — ahhh" I said in pain and Jay and Carlos held my arms tightly since I was losing balance. "What's going on? Are you okay?" Kenny asked and everyone came to my side. "Someone get me my sweater please" I said. "What's wrong?" Ben asked and held my hand. I put his hand on my belly.  Evie touched it as well. "Is it supposed to be like that?" She asked. "This can't be happening. You're two months early!" Ben said. "SOMEONE GET ME MY SWEATER BEFORE MY TOP RIPS OPEN" I yelled. Uma went to get it and I put it on just on time. So you know how I use my magic to make my belly not show, like I'm not pregnant. Well it fades away once my water breaks. All of a sudden my stomach grew huge. "Ok relax, calm down" Ben said. "I'll get help" Harry said and grabbed his phone. "Mal you don't have enough time to get to Auradon" Jay said. "I don't care what we do to get there but I am NOT having my baby on this island" I said. "Evie call my parents" I told her. "Do you want me to call the rest of the gang?" She asked. "Whatever just call my parents" I said. "They're already here" Harry said. "What? Wow that's fast" Liam said. "Yeah well finally. All 3 pregnancies we've always had arguments and they were always slow. For once they're fast" Ben replied. He brought me outside and he came with me in the ambulance. "Meet us at the hospital" Ben told them and we left. "Ben" I said. He looked at me and kissed my forehead. "Yes?" He replied. I stopped. "Never mind. You're happy" I said and looked away. His smile dropped. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sighed. "So you know how I'm part fairy and if we get pregnant the baby comes within 6-7 months instead of 9?" I said. He nodded. "That's only if the baby has magic.... And well I'm 2 months early...." I said. "So our baby has magic?" He asked. I nodded. "That's okay right? We can handle it. I mean you grew up with your magic powers" he said. "No. There was and still is a magic barrier" I said. "Well is there a way t—" I cut him off. "Let's just make sure our baby is alive first okay? Then we can worry about the magic" I said and grabbed his hand. He nodded and kissed it.
Evie's POV
"Ok gang and Kenny get on the bus. I have so many calls to make" I said and we walked outside. There were so many people, probably because they heard the sirens. "Hey what's going on?" CJ asked. "Mal's going into labor, 2 months early!!" I explained. "Someone go tell Maleficent, hurry!" I yelled. Noah ran to get her. "Harry call your cast tell them. They'll only get here tomorrow though. Carlos and Jay call her Liv and Maddie cast. I'll call Ariana, Veronica, Kiersey, Ryan and Colton. Tell them there's no rush" I said quickly. "Rest of you get on the bus!" I yelled. "Oh and Uma can you call Belle and Beast and tell them to get 2 limos ready because were not taking the bus to the hospital" I added. "Hey can I come?" Liam asked. "Sure whatever" I repked annoyed and dialed Veronica's number. "I wanna come too" Lucas said. "Whatever just get on the bus" I replied. I looked at CJ. "I'm assuming you want to come too? Well just get on the bus" I said.
After calling everyone...
Maleficent ran up to me. "What's happening?" She asked. "Mal's going into labor and she's 2 month early!" I explained. "That means the baby has magic!" She exclaimed. "Are you coming with us?" I asked. "I can't leave here. Just tell her I'm happy for her" she replied and hugged me. I got on the bus. "You 3 better behave. If you sneak out you will forever live on this isle" I told CJ, Liam and Lucas. We got to the castle and we got off the bus. We all got into the limos. "Wow first time in a limo. And you guys take this all the time?" CJ asked. I nodded. We got to the hospital and ran inside.
Ben's POV
"Relax calm down" I told her and grabbed her hand. "YOU TRY BEING IN MY POSITION" she yelled. "Mal tell me when you're feeling more contractions" the doctor said and left. I sat down next to her. "I love you. I'm right here next to you the whole time" I said and kissed her. "Yeah well you better. You're the one who got me pregnant" she said. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Well no. If the baby's not ready to come out then I'm not ready" she replied and I laughed. "I don't mean it like that. I meant are you ready to raise another kid. Our third. Well fourth" I said and smiled. "I know! I'm so happy we have a family together, I love you" she said and kissed me. "I love you more" I replied and kissed her forehead. "Get the doctor" she said in pain. I ran outside the room. "Hey is she ok?" Evie asked. "Yeah she is. Kind of. I need the doctor" I explained. I went to see the doctor and I told her and she went in the room. "What are you 3 doing here?" I asked. "We came to see Mal" he replied. "Ben" I heard Mal say softly. "Good luck" Jay said. "Its the fourth time, I think I've gotten used to it" I replied and smiled. I ran to Mal's side. "Just remember you're a pro at this, okay?" I said and kissed her head. She grabbed my hand. "Ok Mal we're ready whenever you are" she said. She squeezed my hand. We all encouraged her.
10 minutes later...
"Cmon Mal, baby, you're almost there" I encouraged her. "Just a little more" the nurse said. The minute Mal heard the baby's cry I felt her relax a little. "Congratulations King Ben and Queen Mal, you have a girl" the nurse said and handed our baby to Mal. We both smiled at each other. "Now I have 2 little girls that look like the love of my life" I whispered into her ear. She smiled and kissed me softly. We admired our daughter, together. "Oh no honey don't cry" she said softly and calmed our daughter. "She's in pain. We need to take the magic out as soon as possible" she said. "But your Majesty —" "she's not going to stop crying because she's in pain. Please ask FG if she can do it" Mal ordered.
* "FG may I speak with you?" The nurse asked. "Whatever you have to say to her, you can say to us" Evie said. "Queen Mal wants to know if you can take the magic out of the baby" the nurse said. "Usually I would be able to do it, but Mal's powers are stronger than me, and the baby's powers are stronger than me so I can't do it. The only people that can do it is Mal or Maleficent" FG explained. "Why won't the baby stop crying?" Audrey asked. "Because the baby is in pain from the magic" the nurse replied and went back into the room*
Mal's POV
"I'm sorry Queen Mal but the only people that are able to do it is you or your mother..." The nurse said. "You don't understand, I can't do this to my child. What I will have to do might kill her. I don't want to kill her!" I said with tears in my eyes. "Then the baby will stay with her powers" she replied. I took a moment to think about it. "I'll do it" I said softly. "Are you sure?" Ben asked, rubbing my back. "I have to. For her" I replied and wiped my tears away. "We'll just wash her up then you can start" the nurse said and walked out. Ben and I were alone in the room. "I'm scared Ben. What if I do end up killing her?" I asked and looked at him. "Listen to me" he said and cupped my face. "You are not going to kill her. You won't mess anything up, I'm positive. Do this for her" he said and I nodded. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too" he replied and kissed me. The nurse brought her back in the room. Ben helped me get up. I did the spell and shot all of my powers towards her. I feel horrible that I'm doing this to my daughter but I'm doing it for her. She instantly calmed down. I was expecting her to be crying her brains out but she was calming down. I took her magic away and I stopped. I picked her up carefully and calmed her down. Ben came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "You did it" he whispered. I looked at him and smiled. "Sorry for interrupting... But we need to know the name you picked. I looked at Ben and nodded. "We chose the name, Hope" Ben replied. (Guys I didn't come up with the name. There's another author that's writing a book about the kids of this book and she has already started and she came up with the name. So I just wanted to keep it so it would make sense when you read it. By the way can the author dm me please? I can't find her book anymore) The nurse left Ben and I alone with Hope. "Do you wanna hold her?" I asked. He nodded and sat down next to me. I handed Hope to Ben carefully. I rested my head on his shoulder. "We make beautiful children" he whispered. I giggled. "We do" I replied and kissed his cheek. The nurse came back. "Mal since you are part fairy we don't need to run tests on you, you are completely fine. You may leave whenever you want. But as for Hope... since she is 2 months earlier than expected and her magic just got taken away, she will have to stay here for about a month. We'll run some tests on her everyday and once we see that she doesn't need anymore help we'll release her" she said. "We're allowed to see her right?" I asked. "Of course, you're the parents" she replied.
Evie's POV
We were waiting in the waiting room. We haven't gotten any news yet. "So what's the real reason you came?" I asked Lucas, Liam and CJ. "I just came because I need to talk to Mal" she replied. "About...." Jay said. "None of your business" she replied rudely. I looked at the boys. They didn't say anything. "Argh seriously what don't you people get? Mal is married for god's sake. She has enough on her hands. There's 4 guys other than Ben still chasing after her. Give it a rest dude" I said quickly. "And she has 2 people, or more it depends, that want to kill her or ruin her life. Don't you think she has enough to deal with??!" I asked. "4 people love her and 2 people are trying to ruin her life. How great" CJ said and smirked. "Yeah well don't act like you're not one of those 2 people" Carlos snapped. "So who are the other 4 people?" She teased. "3 of them are in this room" Chad chuckled and Lonnie and I slapped his arm. "Ow" he whined and rubbed his arms. "Harry did you call your cast?" I asked. "Yes. They'll be here tomorrow" he replied. "Oh that's right, Harry. How can I ever forget Harry? The boy that a special someone still lov—" CJ started saying. "Knock it off. She doesn't love me" Harry cut her off. "Aww is someone feeling rejected?" CJ teased. "That's enough" Lucas told her. "Aww you too?" She said. "Both of you used me just because you loved Mal and she didn't love you back. This is why I don't let anyone in my life" she said. "I'm sorry ok? But now's not the time" Liam told her. "We need a distraction, stat" I whispered to Carlos. "I know ugh" he replied. Mal's cast walked in. Carlos and I looked at each other and smiled. "Heyyyyyy, you guys made it. There was no rush" I told them and I went to hug everyone. "Oh look at that. The fourth one" CJ said and looked at Ryan. "Ignore her" I whispered to him. Ben came out. "Hey you guys are here" he greeted them. "Is Mal allowed visitors now?" CJ asked. "Yeah why?" He replied. "Good. I'm going first. Alone" she said and started walking in but Ben followed her.
Mal's POV
"And what are you doing here?" I asked CJ who just walked in. "I need to speak to you. Alone" she said and turned to Ben. I looked at her and I wasn't sure if it was going to be good or bad. "Ben" I said. He left and shut the door. "What do you want?" I asked. "Nothing really... Just to make sure I ruin your royalty and love life. And maybe your family or maybe your celebrity life, I don't know" she said and sat on the bed near my feet. "And how exactly are you going to do that?" I asked. "Well I can't tell you that! I'd be ruining the show" she smirked. "Get out" I said. She smiled and got up. "Get out" I repeated and opened the door with my magic. Ben saw the door open so he came in. CJ walked out. "Hold her" I told him and handed him Hope. I changed myself with my magic into

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