The Game

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The way she talked about Thomas tho😂😍^^
Mal's POV
A few hours later Lucas came down. "Let's go. Game time" he said and opened my cell. "Oh and Ben and Harry are coming" he added. "But I don't want to play the game" Harry said. "You know what it is?" I asked. "Of course I do! I was apart of his squad remember? But you know it too. You've played before" he replied. I grabbed Ben's hand and we went upstairs. "Go to your room. Change then go to the secret room" Lucas said. "You found our secret room?" Ben asked. "Duh" he replied. I kissed Ben and they boys went through the secret door. I changed into

and I went through the door

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and I went through the door. The room was filled with guys. Great. I know exactly what game we're playing. I knew all of them. They were all part of Hook's crew or on Lucas's squad. I walked to the middle where Lucas, Ben, Harry and Liam were. "Ok before we start can I say something?" I asked. "Sure..." Liam replied. "Dude, STOP STARING AT MY ASS" I yelled at everyone. Ben snickered. I slapped his arm. "Sorry" he apologized and brought me closer to him. He slowly slid his hand towards my butt. "Seriously? Now's not the time" I said and took his hand off of me. "Let's go over the rules" Lucas said and smirked. "If you win 3 for 3, you get your room back with Ben. If you win 2 out of 3 you get it back with Ben but I'm there. If you win 1 you get your room back but with me only. If you win none then you go back to your cell and I keep torturing you" he said. "Got it?" He added. I nodded. "Round 1. Blindfold her" he said. Someone blindfolded me. I used my magic so I can see through the blindfold. I know I'm cheating but I am for sure not losing at these games. "All you have to do is guess who's who" Liam said. "Seriously? This is gonna be easy" I said. "By the way just because I'm blindfolded doesn't mean you pervs could stare at my ass" I said. "Talking to you Jesse" I added. I took my blindfold off. "Oh cmon. What am I supposed to do? Not look at how hot you've gotten?" He asked and smirked. "How are ya baby girl?" He asked and hugged me. Jesse used to be my best friend, until he joined Licas's squad and he wasn't allowed talking to me anymore. "Not at this second but I'm good" I replied. "Damn you've gotten tall" I said. "You're not too bad your self" he said. "Ahh I haven't seen you in so long" I said and hugged him again. "Ok can we start this?" Lucas asked. "Relax bro" Jesse said and backed up. I put my blindfold back on. I heard them walking around a bit. "Where's Harry?" Lucas asked. "He's not in the room" I said. "Where's Liam?" He asked. "About to touch my butt. Liam I swear if you step closer to me-" I started saying but I felt him step closer to me so I flipped him over. He groaned. "Lucas you're right there" I said and pointed. I jumped in Ben's arms and kissed him passionately. "And my husband is right here" I said and smiled. He put me down and I took my blindfold off. "Pretty easy huh?" Liam asked. "Yes" I replied. "Round 2" Lucas said. Harry came back in the room. He gestured for one of the guys to step up. "Sword fight" Lucas added. "You want me to sword fight Noah?" I asked. "Yeah. I bet you don't even know how" Lucas said. "You wanna bet money or a prize?" I asked in his face. "Sure why not?" He replied. "Boys" he added. "No need to" I said. "If you win, you get our kingdom" Ben said and stood next to me. "You're actually giving up your kingdom?" Liam asked. "As I always say...." Ben said. "I would give my kingdom for just one kiss" him and I sang then we laughed. "I'm confident enough Chlopop will win. So if you win, you get our kingdom" Ben said. I smiled and laughed. "Thanks baby" I said and kissed his cheek. "Chlopop?" Liam asked. "That's my nickname" I replied. "But your name is Mal..." Liam said confused. "My name is also Chloe.... And Dove. Do you not keep up with the world? I'm like famous all over the world" I said. "Can we add to that?" Lucas asked. "Sure. But its not going to happen" I replied. "We go for a round 2" Lucas said smirking. "Fine" I replied and grinned. "If I win, Ben and I get my room. Alone. And you and Liam stop torturing me" I said. "Fine" Lucas replied. Harry threw me a sword. I caught it without turning away. "I wouldn't have bet if I were you" I said and tied my hair. "Let's go. Bring it" I said. "Did I stutter? Let's go" I yelled. Noah and I fought each other. "I need backup!" He yelled. I smirked and two others guys started fighting me as well. "Ben" I said. He threw me another sword. "Cmon just like we practiced" he said. I was fighting them with 2 swords. And I was winning. They dropped their swords. I dropped one of mine. I felt Liam coming from behind me with a sword so I turned around and he dropped his sword and I pushed him into the wall with the sword against his chest. "Did you guys forget that I'm Queen? And that I take sword lessons?" I asked and smiled sweetly. I passed my sword to Harry. Ben high fived me. "I bet if Ms.Li (aka Mulan's mother. I know that's Shang's last name. Since they're married you usually change your last name to your husbands last name) was here to see that, you'll probably get an A+" he said and kissed my head. I laughed. "You take sword lessons?" Lucas asked. "Of course. How else am I supposed to defend myself?" I asked. "Actually font answer that. I do it all the time...." I added. Ben chuckled. "I won so you stop torturing me and I get my room back with Ben" I said and crossed my arms. "K Round 3. I'm guessing it's the closet thing?" I said. He nodded. "What's the closet thing?" Ben asked. "There's no winner. But basically 2 of us go in the closet for 10 minutes and do whatever we want" I explained. He stayed silent. 10 minutes is a lot though. "You're missing something" Lucas said and smirked. "If we take something off, it stays off until the last person goes" he said. "Oh and there's a winner. If anything its us boys because we get to be with you" Liam said. "The only person who actually gets me is Ben. You can try all you want, you'll never win me over" I said. "Don't say that, they're gonna beat the crap out of me when you're in there" Ben whispered. "Sorry" I whispered back and kissed his neck. I hugged him tightly. "Let's go blondie" Liam said and grabbed my butt. I flipped him over, again. He groaned. I laughed and walked inside the closet. Liam followed and shut the door. "This is a closet?" He asked. "Yeah. Basically like every closet we have is like as big as a regular bedroom" I replied. I gasped. "Here's where it is! I've been looking all over for this dress" I said and picked it up. Liam was looking at me. "Why do you think we have a secret room in the first place? What do you actually think we would do here?" I asked. "I don't know. Not have sex" he said. "You try living my life. With all these royal people constantly breathing down your neck. I never really get time alone with Ben" I said. "Let's stop talking about Ben and actually do something" he said and brought me closer. "You know that night in Arendelle, was the best night I've ever had" he whispered. "Not for me" I replied and pushed him away. He sat in the chair and watched me. "Shit these heels are killing me" I said. I bent down to take them off. Liam grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him. He slipped my tights and tank top off. I was now just in my underwear and bra. Great. He sat back down and made me sit on him but face him. He kissed me. One of the closet game rules is if this happens, you have to do it. Even if you don't like it. I absolutely hate this game just because of the rules. I kissed back, even if I didn't want to.
10 minutes later...
There was a knock at the door. "Times up" someone said. He took my pants and shirt and left. "Dude, got the first layer" he said and closed the door. Harry came in. "Please don't do anything to me" I begged. "I'm not. Don't worry" he replied and hugged me. "Ben seemed pretty pissed" he said and we sat down on the floor. "I don't blame him. Why am I treated like this? What have I done?" I asked tearing up. We randomly talking abiut stuff.
* "what's wrong Beasty boy?" Lucas teased. Ben leaned against the wall, silent. Everyone was looking at him. "Well... Say something" Lucas said. "Oh by the way Mal said to give this to you" Liam said and gave Ben the dress. He chuckled. "Why is that down here?" Jesse asked. "She's been looking for this dress forever" Ben laughed. "We're still waiting" Lucas said. "Why do you think we have this room? Why do you think her dress is down here? Just reflect on those questions" Ben said and chuckled. "You had it down here?" Lucas asked. Ben laughed. "More than I can count. We never get time alone because of the royal people breathing down our necks. Its really annoying" Ben replied. Liam sat down on the couch. "Mmm I wouldn't sit on that" Ben said. "Ew did you do it on here?" He asked and got up. "We. God no. Not on a couch" He replied. "Then why can't he sit on it?" Jesse asked. "Because when Mal's water broke, so her second-or third pregnancy. No second. I think. I don't know which one. Anyways, this couch originally used to be in the ballroom. And Mal's water broke when we were having a tourney party. So she lied down on that couch until the paramedics came" he explained. "So I'm sitting on Mal's baby water?" He asked. "Not exactly the words, but yeah I guess" Ben replied and laughed. He got up right away. Harry came out of the closet.*
"Hey baby look what I found" I said peaking my head out the door and showing him my black robe. "No way. Is that from the time we-" he said. "After the-" I added and we laughed. "Ok my turn" Lucas said and came into the closet. "Before you start I'm giving you the choice. I'll do anything you want, but you're I my allowed taking my bra or underwear out. Not both. Just one. And I'll do anything you ask" I said. "Deal" he replied. He sat down on the chair. Things got heated pretty quick.
10 minutes later...
I pushed Lucas out of the door. I put my black robe on, even if I wasn't allowed. Thank God Ben is next. I was listening through the door. "You only got her bra? Bro I thought you could do better than that" Liam said. "She offered me a deal and I took it" he replied. Ben wasn't saying anything. "Let's go Beasty boy. You're up. You have one more item" Lucas said. "Ya there's no way that's happening. I'm not going to undress my wife if she doesn't want to. What the hell is wrong with you guys?" He asked. "You'd be surprised how much fun its going to be" Liam said. "Just give me her clothes" Ben said. "No" Lucas replied. "Give me her fucking clothes Lucas" Ben raised his voice. "Bahahaha, the king swearing? I've never heard that before" Lucas and the others laughed. I knew Ben was about to yell to I peaked my head out the door. "Ben. Please just come" I said with a tear falling down my cheeks. He came in the closet. I hugged him tightly. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded no and cried into him. I put my black robe on. "I love you. I promise I won't let anything else happen to you. Ok?" He said. "I love you too" I replied and kissed him softly. We sat on the floor and I sat in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me. "At least after this we'll get our own room..." I said. He nodded. "They're going to make us do something else. I know it. Its not over yet. So we need a plan" I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Nothing. Let's just get really mad at each other and then you storm off and pretend to be mad while I pretend to be mad and they'll leave" I said. "So you want us to yell at each other?" He asked. I nodded and got up. We started yelling at each other. It got really quiet. I'm guessing they want to hear. We were yelling at each other really hard. I started fake crying. He nodded and smiled. We went outside and we looked really mad. It was silent. "Have a great life" I said sarcastically and took my ring off and gave it to him. He stormed out of the room. I wiped my tears away. Lucas went to sit on the other couch with Liam. "What is that?" I asked and walked over to them. I sat in the middle of Lucas and Liam. It was a box full of things. I took a scrapbook out and laughed. I flipped through the paged with tears falling. I had to make it believe that Ben and I broke up. I laughed at this picture.

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