Fake Smiles and there Secrets // Mae

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Hey there, my  name is Mae and this is my first chapter for this book.

For this chapter, I just wanna sit down, open up a bit and write to you guys. Doing so, I hope you'll find what you're looking for and maybe relate.

Pause for a second, look around you.

If you're alone, think about people in your life. 

Ok, imagine what there daily routine would be like, do they need to look after someone? Or simply sudy for a test? Now think deeper, how do you think they act around people and when they're alone?

Sometimes, you'll expect that happy person to be reading when they're alone. But you don't know that for sure, they could be crying or even self harming themselves. My major point is for the people who throws a fake smile when they're around people, and drop the act when they're alone. 

Everyone is suffering and trying to survive there troubles, what i really wanna talk about is for the people who don't see this. People who are full of themselves, and so blind about what people are going through.

I really hate the fact that those people exist. They expect you to be this type of person, they think they know you're story but really they don't have a clue at all.

Sometimes we dont see the strong ones around us, and thats fine, As long as you know that not all people are happy as they are when there around other people. You have to be more aware, you can't suddenly blurt out a nasty word or even a hurtfull joke at a person. Becasue whatever it is, that person could really take that seriously when they're alone. 

If you're those people, who blurt words before they even think or treat others in a horrible way. You need to stop and take careful actions.

And lastly is for the people who are strong enough to be happy around people, for the people who believe that they can survive the whole day without breaking down, for the people who taken the words and the actions of other people's stupidness inside there heads. i like to dedicate this chapter to you guys.

Please don't do anything that will make you regret in the future. You are so strong, don't let them bring you down at all. Do things you love and keep believing.

Just remember folks, Everyone is fighting there own battle, Be nice.

Yours Truly, Mae.

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