Shedding Winter Weight // Alyssa

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We all gain a couple of pounds over the summer, right? Well most of us do. 

This time of year rolls around and you realise how much weight you've gotta get off because summer's coming. So here's a few tips on how to shed off some of that weight (without crazy dieting or starving).

1. Eat Healthier

In the winter we all tend to eat a little more food and it's almost always not amazing for your figure. Also, in the summer we're more likely to eat healthier like fresh fruits and veggies, just because it's hotter outside, we're more active, and it's just what we crave in the nice weather. But, in the winter we're all curled up inside with our soup and hot chocolate (both of which are delicious, neither of which are all that healthy) and then we've got Thanksgiving (America) and Christmas. There's just a ton of opportunities to eat more than in the summer. So just try to limit yourself. Don't starve, or cut back completely for a short amount of time to loose weight because as soon as you go back to your old eating habits, the weight will come back. 

2. Excercise 

Just like foods, you're more likely to be inactive in the summer than in the winter. I don't know about you guys, but in the summer my friends and I are walking around downtown, riding bikes, or at the beach. We're always moving. But in the winter, we tend to sit next to eachother while we all play on our laptops. Unless you ski and snowboard or what not in the winter, you probably do the same. Now, I'm not saying go to the beach or ride bikes in the middle of December, unless you live in like LA. That'd be cool. But I live in Michigan, where riding a bike in December would probably fail in everyway possible. Go to the Y or a rec center and excercise. Run on the tredmil. Go to Chuck E Cheese and release your inner child and run around all over the place. Walk at the mall. Just do something to keep your body moving. 

3. Sleep

Sleep is really important for the well being of a teenager. Believe it or not, you actually burn some calories whilst you're asleep. So I guess, the more you sleep, the more calories you burn.


That's all for now, lovelies! (: 

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