Chapter 13

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Brielle's POV

All I felt was cold air as I layer still. I couldn't move I couldn't talk or anything, I soon saw a flash of darkness come before as my life flashed before my eyes


"I love you baby girl" I heard my dad say

"Daddy?" I said, was I dreaming?

I could see myself as a little girl swinging on the swing at the park with my dad

That was the last time I seen him when I was 8

"I love you too daddy" I said as he pushed me higher on the swing

"Hey little girl you wanna play in the sandbox with me?" A little light skin boy came up to me and asked as I got off the swings

"Sure" I replied simply as we raced to the sandbox

"My name's Daniel " he said with a huge grin

"Hi,I'm Brielle" I sad smiling back

"You wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked me

With me being only 8 I said yes

"Okay,well we have to make our boyfriend and girlfriend cake" he said as he started to pile up sand together and I helped

"DIGGY WE HAVE TO GO!!" I heard a woman yell walking towards me and Daniel

"No mommy, please can we stay 7 more minutes? " he cried

"No, we have to go pick up JoJo from school " she said grabbing his hand as he cried


Diggy's POV

"What is it?! Is she okay? What about the baby?! Is my baby okay? !" I said nervously to the doctor

"Sit down Mr.Simmons" he said and I did as told

"Brielle,is in a coma. Her body hasn't been responding to the anesthetics correctly so she went off into a coma. As for the baby he's just fine a lot under weight but surprisingly fully developed,especially for the little Guy only being 4½ months "he said

I let out a sigh of relief knowing that my son was fine but I was still worried about Brielle. What if she never comes out the coma? What if she doesn't remember anything?

"What caused all this to happen to her?" Brielle's mom Michelle asked

"Mostly stress,she's been doing a lot during her pregnancy and arguing and things of that nature adds on stress and could cause a miscarriage and that's why she was bleeding because she was close to having one but she got here just in time" he replied

Its all my fought. I thought ,I'm such an idiot if we weren't arguing all the time we wouldn't even be here right now. I just hope the Lord gets us through this and Brielle will wake up soon

"Can we see them?" I asked the doctor

"Of course but just you know you can't hold the baby just yet he's very tiny and fragile " he said and leaded us through the big doors down the hall way

"Only three people at a time" the nurse in the room said

"Daniel you me and Michelle can go first" my Mon said

We walked into the room and instantly my heart dropped

All I seen were different tubes hooked up to my baby boy as he laid in that incubator fighting for his life

I sat there and watched as tears ran down my eyes as mama and Ms.Michelle comforted me

"Its gonna be okay baby" Ms.Michelle said

"God is gonna get you through this" my mom said


It was around 12:30 am when I woke up ,I let everyone else go back to their hotels while I stayed here with Brielle and little Daniel.

I watched all night as the nurses changed the IV's in Brielle and Danny, just looking at it made me even more sad

"Mr.Simmons if you like you can go home and get some rest" the nurse spoke

"I don't know... you sure they'll be okay? " I asked

"I promise, I'll keep a good look out on them both" she said and with that I stood up and kissed Brielle on the forehead and walked over to Danny and said goodbye


Rashad's pov

"Did you hear about Brielle?!" My sister corae asked

"Yeah its all over the news" she said "see our plan worked just fine. We didnt even have to lay a finger on her pretty little head"

"Corae,I can't do this anymore. Even though we didn't do anything yet I still don't feel right. I didn't want anyone to get hurt I ju-" I started but she cut me off

"I know your not feeling any sympathy for that bitch"she spat

"N-no ,I'm just saying. How do you thing Daniel feels right now? Knowing the person he lo-" she cut me off again

"HE DOESN'T LOVE HER!!! "she yelled then hung up

I never wanted things to end up like this. I didn't want anything had happen to Brielle, she was a nice person and she didn't deserve any of this at all. I gave to fix this.


Corae's POV

I can't believe the words that just left out of my brother's mouth! Like is he crazy or just plain stupid?! Daniel doesn't love her! He loves me! What can't anyone else see that? I'm always the one looking like a psycho bitch because everyone else is blind ..

Daniel does love me and I will prove it. I hope Brielle is in that coma for a real long time.


As soon as I got home I got a text from Corset saying how sorry she was and she couldn't believe Brielle was in the hospital and that if I needed anything she would be here for me

I replied back asking her to keep me company because I couldn't sleep or stop thinking about Brielle or the baby

I went up stairs and got out some basketball shorts and a tank top and took a quick shower

20 minutes after my shower the doorbell rang. It was now 1:45 am and I still wasn't tired

"Hey" I said greeting Corae and opening the door more

"Hey ,how you holding up?" She said waddling to the couch

"I'm trying" I said sitting in the chair across from the couch

"You know what you need to loosen up a bit? " she asked.

"What?" I asked

"This" she said pulling out a bottle of patron

"I don't know..." I started

"Just a couple of shots will get your mind off of things for a while" she said getting up and going into the kitchen and I followed behind her

I watched as she poured me 4 shots

"Drink up" she said and I did downing all for shots letting it burn down my throat

Soon I was on my tenth shot but I didn't stop. I kept going til I couldn't even see clearly

"Good boy" I heard a slurred voice as corae stood over me as I fell onto the counter then to the floor being knocked out cold

Okay this was kind of short but I hope you guys liked it. BTW Im gonna be getting my laptop back soon so I'll be doing more chapters and with the whole part about the baby being fully developed and stuff I have no clue what the hell I'm talking about . I takes 10 months for a baby to be full term but woman only go 9 so I guess if its 10 the baby is thoroughly cooked for sure (lol) but yeah vote,comment & fan :)

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