Epilogue (The Beginning Of The End)

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Daniel's POV

Last night I couldn't even sleep,not because I drunk a redbull before going to bed but because I couldn't understand how my rlationship has got this far,How I let this go so bad.

In the begining when the drama started I thought it was just a test to see if we'll be able to stick through it. Then began to get harder and harder as time went on and I figured it wasn't a test at all. Maybe it was something telling us that we're not meant to be.

That's why we've been through so much,that's why we're at the rode we are now, There's no trust in this relationship,theirs no honesty,and honestly that's what makes an relationship.

It also make sense to me because in the begining Brielle didn't even want to be with me,she played with my heart probably hoping I would give up but I didn't. I was determined. Determined to get something that probably wasn't what's the best for me.

The only good out of this relationship right now is my son. I know Brielle and I have had some good times but the bad are starting to out way the good. I wanna make this work but it's like she doesn't care. I don't see her trying at all.

Maybe I'm over reacting but I know when something isn't right. Maybe God doesn't see us together like we want to be.

Maybe we're not meant to be,maybe it's better if we're just friends...

Brielle's POV

        Love is like a melody sometimes it's moving sometimes it's complete crap

Some people consider it to be the best thing in the world,but if  there's not enough it

    can make you do crazy things,Love is an emotion.Something no one will understand

       If they've never loved before,The simplicity of love is over rated,Love can get you hurt

It can make you into the person you never wanna be. But it can also change you in a good way.

                                                as long as you love right.

I woke up this morning with nothing but thoughts of everything flustering in my head,Daniel had tooken Danny to a playdate about 20 minutes ago and hasn't been back since.

I didn't wanna be the one to tell Daniel about Corae  and her daughter but I think it's only right to save us. I'm tired of lying and hiding things.

To me it seems selfish, I wouldn't want anyone to do that to Danny if were in her situation so why would I do it to her child? It's not fair at all. 

Last night I couldn't help but cry myself to sleep. I know Daniel wasn't sleep all night because when I started sobbing he got out of the bed and left the room.

I know me getting drunk and not telling him what he's suppose to know is wrong but I can't help it,Maybe I have a problem. I don't know how to cope with anything other than using drinking as an excuse.

I haven't been close to any of my family or friends since I moved to L.A and I can't even remember the last time I talked to my mom. It's sad but true.

I always wonder does Daniel ever gets fed up with my bullshit, because I know I'm am over his. We've both lied to each other and kept secrets that shouldn't bee kept and that the problem with us now.

We don't talk about anything we just argue and drink ourselve away. Maybe I shouldn't have said yes to dating Daniel in the beginning. Maybe I should've kept pushing him away when he worked hard for me to be with him.

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