Chapter 19

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Brielle's POV 

I sat in the hotel room with Danny in my arms thinking about what just happened in just the last hour, Right now I really wanted to strangle Daniel. Why would he throw my shirt near the stove.What kind of sense does that make? He knew I was cooking so why would'nt something click in his brain telling him to throw it somewhere else?! He just had to rush just to get what he wants

He really just ruined my mood so now I'm gonna make him suffer for a really long time,We all could've died but I thank god we're all fine

After a while of thinking I was soon interuppted out of my thoughts when my phone rang ,It was from a person I haven't talked to in so long

"Hello" I said nervously

"Oh my god,you answered" He said a little relieved

"Um yeah" I said awkwardly

"I know you've been through a lot and you're probably still recovering but I wanted to know if you wanted to meet up for lunch just to talk" He spoke ask I heard shuffling in the background

I looked down at Danny who was sleeping on the bed and the turned back speaking into the phone

"Sure but I don't have a car right now" I said

"I'll pick you up,where are you" He asked

I told him where I was then hung up the phone sighing loudly

I picked up Danny as he began to whine and put his shoes back on,I really needed to get him so clothes and pampers while were out since everything we have is probably burnt like biscuits

I put on his shoes and zipped up his sweater as soon as my phone rang signalling he was outside

Diggy's POV

When I got to the House the police and the fire department was still there, I went over them to talk to them and told them how the fire started. It was kind of embarrassing but some of the male officers understood

They told me the house did'nt burn that bad and that I would just have to get the kitchen and the back of the house near the patio remodeled

I was glad that was all the damage was done and now all I needed to do was call my contractor and get everything we needed out of the house

I grabbed most of our clothes and shoes,some of Danny's toys and bottles and baby food then headed out the door

I knew Brielle was gonna be mad at me so I went out to the mall to get a few things for her and Danny

I know I cant bribe her with anything but it's worth a try or even a start

When I got the mall I parked and text Brielle telling her I was gonna pick up some stuff for Danny and that I got some things out of the house

I waited a while for her to text back but she didn't so I just kept on walking

Rashad's POV

As soon as I seen Brielle walk into the lobby I got excited,until I looked down and saw the little boy stumbling trying to walk next to her. She smiled when she saw me and I did the same

"Hey" she said giving me a side hug

"Who's the little guy?" I asked,He looked alot like Brielle but I thought she lost her baby so he couldn't have been hers

"This is my son Daniel but we call him Danny" She said smiling then placing a kisses on his cheek as he began squirming around trying to get away from them

I chuckled a little at them a little then she stopped

"You ready to go?" She asked

I simply nodded then lead them in to my car she buckled Danny into his car seat that she was carrying then got inside the car sitting in the passenger seat

"So how has life been treating ya?' Brielle asked smiling,she was so beautiful

"Good I guess,I landed a few acting auditions and I've opened up a gym in the past year so everything is good except for one thing..." I said

"And what's that?" She asked

"I have no one to share it with" I replied looking at her for a brief moment then back at the rode

I could see her smile a little then she turned to me and said "You'll find that special girl,dont worry any girl would be lucky to have you,You should let me set you up on a date" She smiled

I chuckled a little and turned to her "Are you trying to set me up in some type of blind date?"

"Well I wouldn't call it blind date but something like that,We can do it as a double date .Me and Daniel and you and my friend" She chuckled

"Can I atleast know this friend's name?" I asked

"Her name is Shaii,she lives back in L.A but she can come here to meet you" She said then turned to her phone that was ringing signaling that she Had a text

I wasn't even gonna lie I was feeling Brielle alot I know I shouldn't but I do.It's just something about her that makes me wasn't her. I know she has a man and a family but it's not like they're married but then againI don't wanna breakup something that seems to be a happy home.But then again if she was happy why is she hanging with me instead of Daniel and why in the world is she staying in a hotel

We pulled up to the mall and Brielle grabbed Danny then we headed inside,first we went to toys r us to get him some toys, I can already tell this boy was spoiled.Brielle was buying toys that we rent even fit for his age group and he even knocked down a whole row of toys and started running around the store and she thought of it as cute. I was really enjoying my time with the both of them it really made me think about having my own family with the perfect wife and the perfect kids and the perfect dog running around the house

The only is I kept imagining it with Brielle

Daniel's POV

When I got to the mall I went straight to the toy store to get some things from Danny,I was pushing the cart down the aisles when I heard a boom sound ,a sound like boxes falling and a baby screaming but the laughing,amused kind of scream then I heard a familiar woman's voice asking the baby why would he do that and as soon as I turned the corner I seen them standing there with some guy holding Danny

What the fuck is going on?

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