Chapter 26

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Rashad's POV

"Where did she go? " my sister asked taking Renaè out of my arms

She stormed off" I informed her

I knew Brielle wouldn't take to well to this but she had to find out soon than later

Maybe we went about it the wrong way but I just felt it was only right

I remember when I got the call from the hospital about my sister getting into an accident, my heart literally sunk


"Hi is this the family of Corae Young? " the woman on the other line asked

"Yes " I simply responded

"Well sir Corae has been brought into the hospital with serious ingeries, she's suffered a minor concussion and has lost a lot of blood" the lady spoke

My heart shattered into a million pieces at that point, I asked which hospital she was at and soon took off to my car going 80 in a 30 zone I didn't care though

My sister was the only thing I had right now. Despite all the crazy shit she did and dragged me in to do I loved her and if I could be in her condition I would.

When I finally got to the hospital I went to the front desk and asked the lady for Corae's room number she gave it to me but said I had to wait in the waiting room until the doctor came

It was like I was waiting for hours just Pacing the floor like a crazy person as everyone on the waiting room stared at me intently

"Fuck you looking at?" I spat at an old man sitting next to a woman who I was guessing was his wife

He just shook his head and put his focus on something else

"Family of Corae Young" a tall white man came and asked "here" I said walking towards him. He motioned me to come into the hallway so I did

"Corae is doing a little she has been reacting well to the medication but she's gonna need a blood transfusion from a blood relative, sir are you blood related to miss young?" He asked

I shook my head "yes I'm her brother" I told him

"Okay if you agree on doing the transfusion we can have you sign some paperwork for that, as for her baby girl surprisingly she's perfectly fine and healthy" he said

I honestly forgot all about the baby,my only concern was my sister but I'm happy my little niece is here

"I thought it was supposed to be a boy?" I asked

"Some doctors could make mistakes like that simply because the babies hand is near the private part which makes some obgyn's mistake it for a male part"

I shook my head in understandment "can I see them?" I asked

"Yes you can right this way" the doctor said leading me down the hall

As soon as I went into the room I wanted to fall to my knees and cry

There my sister laid in a hospital bed looking horrible she was hooked up to all types of.machines with tubes comingout of each way possible

I sat next to her on the side her bed watching as her tears rolled down her face

"Cor what happened?" I asked after a minute of silence

She's didn't say anything she just laid there as her sobs got louder

I took her into my arms and wiped her tear stained face

We're Just Friends:A Diggy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now