Chapter 22

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Before you guys start reading the story I just wanna tell all my readers thank you for your support of this stoey and all the nice comments, I would really love if everyone who reads this story would comment,I know some people don't have wattpad accounts but you can also sign in using twitter or facebook, and again thank you :)


Brielle's POV

"Daniel plase talk to me" I begged

"Did you cheat on me?" He asked turning the TV off giving me his full attention

"W-what??" I asked

"It's a yes or no question Brielle" He said anger clear in his voice

"No" I said feeling the tears forming in my eyes

"I don't believe you" He said "I don't want you here with me"

"what do you me-"

"I want you out. Tonight." He said cutting me off

By this time I was histerically crying, I hated when we had fights and Daniel being the stubbrn person he is it's gonna take a lot for him to here me out and the fact that he didn't believe me hurt so much

I went back into the room and grabbed some clothes stuffing them in a bag as tears poured down my face

I made sure I had my wallet and purse beforw I started packing Danny's bag

"What are you doing" Daniel's voice boomed through the room

"packing" I replied simply wiping the tears I had but more came out

"My son isn't going with you!" He spat snatching Danny's bag out of my hands

"Daniel you're not gonna keep my son away fro-"

"He's not going and that's final" He said

I didn't even wanna argue with him right now,my head was starting to hurt from all of the crying I was doing

I grabbed my stuff then walked over to Danny who was still sleeping

I kissed him good night and began to walk out of the room

"I didn't cheat" was the lasrt thing I said to Daniel before he slammed the door in my face,I was really hurt and I didn't know what I was suppose to do. I had no one here I could go to and I don't even understand how I got this far without my mother,my sister or even my bestfriend

I was really starting to miss everyone back home

I walked to the elevator and went out of the spinning doors to my car, I didn't where to go but I didn't have money for a hotel room

Ever since Daniel and I have been together he would always talk about how he didn't want me working and that he wanted to take of me

I didn't want that at all but being so in love with him,I listend and did what he told me to

I hadn't had a job since we been out here and I was starting to regret ever letting that man take care off me,he broke me. He made me weak,He turned me into the woman I never planned to be and if he thinks I'm cheating on him well I'm gonna let him think that

"Hello" he answered

"um can I come over" I asked


"now" I said,he said okay and we both hung up


Daniel's POV

I really didn't mean anything I said to Brielle,I didn't think she would leave without a fight

Part of me did think she cheated on me and the other half knew she wouldn't,I felt stupid after she left. I tried calling her but she never picked up

I know she's mad at me and she'll probably never forgive me but I've been under a lot of stress lately

I was trying to plan this whole engagement thing and working like a maniac so I can pay for everything and all the lies and drama the press was giving to me was getting to me ,so maybe that's the reason I acted the way I did or maybe I did because i'm listening to the part of me who swears Brielle is cheating but the other half is trying it's best to get that thought out of the way

I laid back in my bed alon staring up at the ceiling thinking of nothing but Brielle

I guess I'll be sleeping alone tonight

Brielle's POV

When I pulled up to Rashad's house I was contemplating on whether I should really go in there,but then again what's the worst that could happen?

I walked up his driveway and to the front door and knocked on it

I stood there for a few minutes and just as I was about to turn around he opened the door

"Hey" He greeted me opening the front door wider so I can come in

"So what's going?" He asked walking into his kitchen with me following right behind him

"Daniel and I got into a fight,he thinks I'm cheating...with you" I said

He chuckled "wow,that's crazy. I like you a lot Brielle but I wouldn't have you cheat on Daniel with me to ruin your family" He spoke,he was right I just wish Daniel would see it that way

"I know but he just won't believe me and he even put me out saying I couldn't take Danny" I said as the water works began again

Rashad walked over to me and hugged me rubbing my spine,It felt good to have someone to talk to and cry to but it was nothing like having your family there with you

I was tired and I didn't want to keep crying

"Come on" Rshad said picking me up and carrying me up the stairs

"you can sleep here" he said placing me in his bed

"I'll be downstairs on the couch if you need me" He was about to walk out and close the door but I stopped him

"wait..can you stay here,just until I fall asleep please?" I asked,he closed the door and pulled off his shirt leaving him in only his basketball shorts and climbed into the bed

"hold me" I whispered,he moved in closer so I was laying on his chest and his haand wrapped around my waist

Part of me felt this was wrong and part of me didn't care.Daniel already thought I was cheating.even though this wouldn't make it any better I didn't care


Two weeks later

It's been two whole weeks since Daniel and I have been together,I would go pick up Danny everyday at 3 and keep him until 8 but me and Daniel never really talked. It was hard for me to see him when I didn't know where our relationship stood. I didn't know if we were over or if it was just a faze, I wanted to be with Daniel but I didn't know he wanted to be with me

I was out shopping with Rashad to get Danny some gifts for his first birthday tomorrow at the house me and Daniel called home

I haven't did anything with Rashad because I didn't know about me and Daniel's relation quite yet and I didn't wanna ruin anything,I know I need to talk to Daniel soon but I don't know how

What am  I suppose to say, I'm not the one who's cheating nd neither is Daniel but I don't get how we got here and the situation isn't that big

Either Daniel has something he's hiding anf he's making me seem like the bad guy to cover up his problems then I'm completelt oblivios to the situation

"So am I invited to the party?' Rashad asked while we walked through the mall

"I don't know yet" I said,I didn't want to bring Rashad to the party because I know that will make everything worse but I didn't want him to feel like we were together and I had to show him off cause truth is we weren't and I didn't think of him in that way at all

"Brielle?" A voice behind me said

what the hell?

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