Chapter 1 |Idea

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"Move fast and break things, unless you are breaking stuff that means you are not moving fast enough." – Mark Zukerberg

We all know that starting and running a business isn't the simplest thing in the World. It's risky, time taking, and very stressful at times. But that's not a first class ticket to failing.

In business the "Akuna matata" philosophy does not exist, because worries are a daily routine.

Larry Page once said in a speech " You know what it's like to work up in the middle of the night with a bit of a dream and if you know how you don't have a pencil or pen by the bed it will be completely gone by the next morning, I had the one of those dream when I was 23 when I simply woke up

Chapter 2 |The Right Partnership

"Great entrepreneurs often come in pairs."- Vuyo Thembekwayo

The formula for great innovation is putting great minds in one room. It also applies to businesses as well. Not all people know how to start a business all by themselves. Most great companies were started by a group of people.

For an example Apple Inc. was started by Steve Jobs & Steve Woznick.

Facebook was started by Mark Zukerberg & four more people.


Not every entrepreneur has all the right resources and knowledge to executive the business Ideas.

Partnership is also good to convince investors. Investors are people and they don't want to just throw money at someone who doesn't have enough experience, they need to trust you before they trust your plan.

Partners are the people who are involved in your project. These are people whom you share & plan the business with. They are not volunteers, but rather stockholders.

If it wasn't because of the partnership which Larry Page had with Sergey Brin (Google co-founder) then we may have never had Google.

Partners are somehow likeminded people. They share the same passion with you. They take your ideas and help develop them. Not many people are like this. Many will think you are insane but partners see something different. They are your right wing and you are they're right wing.

Choose the right people to partner with, or else you will end up planning everything yourself. Be careful when choosing partners, they may seem passionate about your Plan but very untrustworthy. It is best if you partner with someone you have known for a while. Someone with the right knowledge and hardworking.

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