Chapter 6|The Pitch

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"You are ready when you believe."

– Evan Carmichael

Before you make the perfect pitch you should know your budgets. Know every aspect about your business, know your target market. Be a market player.

Have strong strategies to beat the odds. Have passion of what to are about to venture into, so you won't regret. Believe in the plan because if you don't know body will.

Is there any chance of winning? Consider that too.

If you don't consider that you are being selfish and being selfish will lead to unpleasant results.

Many businesses pitch with great Ad campaigns, but to run attractive ads you may want to get an ad agency to do that for you. Most of them are really professional at what they do and they won't disappoint. You can Google/ Bing to find the nearest you.

If you don't have money to spend on agencies then you may want to read chapter... which will help you on options of strategic ways on marketing when pitching and growing your business.

When pitching take a look on these four aspects:

· Make it big.

· Make it manipulate people's attention or very attractive.

· Make it the word on the street.

It all depends on your pocket. There is a reason why I say "Make it big."

Your product may obviously not be the first of its type. By launching big this will make many consumers believe that you are the biggest thing that ever happened. Well... If you launch it in a smart way.

When you are pitching show the costumers a few reasons why your product is different from others. It may be low prices or how professional you are to clients.

If you can't get a great start that does not mean you have failed, you can still start with small humble beginnings. But remember launching big is a good start, because pitching is very important.


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