Chapter 13|Growing

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Want more money? Provide more value."

-Evan Carmichael

Most small business owners never think of growing their businesses, because they are stable with their small roles in modern society.

I once asked a local businessperson who runs a if he wanted to reach higher markets with his business and he told me he didn't want stress and risk. In simple terms he was afraid to grow.

When you began reading you may have noticed the word "billion" on the cover. Now that means growth and not the status quo.

Being an entrepreneur it's all about taking risk and seeing opportunities others don't. To run a billion Dollar emperor you to need grow.

Stay out of your comfort zone. Aim for new markets, Build trust, grow and break new markets. Fast. Stay on top of game.

Build reputation all over the country. Show the public that you care by donating money or even items.

Partner with notable companies and always sell at low cost barriers. Inspire the youth and give them leadership. The youth knows what's trending and they have knowledge needed to grow. entrepreneurship is not only about making money, but also strengthening your countries economy and providing people in need of services/product that you can offer.

There are two types of entrepreneurs:

· Visionary Entrepreneurs

· Money Seeking entrepreneurs

Create a change in the society, be a visionary like Steve Jobs, be a good role-model no matter how old you are. When an entrepreneur has a vision then quitting is not a word to them. One cannot easily lose focus when he/ she has got a vision.

Many entrepreneurs end up "sell-out" because they never had vision when they began. Those who never sell out know where they are going.

Years after Facebook was created Companies such as Yahoo offered big money to buy Facebook not millions but a billion USD. Facebook went on to refuse and another big company came and offered 1,5 billion and Facebook refused again. Years after Facebook's stock is one of the most valued on NASDAQ and of 2015 Facebook had revenue of US $ 17.928 billion!

It's not always that way. They are some other reasons of selling out. But if you choose to sell out, know who you are selling and what the benefits of it are.


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