Chapter 15| A Touch To Success

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You can have all the success you want but what it benefits you if you help those in need.

1% of the worlds richest have more than the rest of the world, and that's not good philanthropy.

Thousands are dying because many have forgotten were they come from and because of their riches they have forgotten their God.

Success is not success if it does not benefit others.

One day I was watching television and a powerful pastor was talking about a man who was so rich but he was not allowed to eat other foods rather than milk. If you have a nice car and its costing you much trouble why don't you sell it and give the money to charity. The love of money is the root of all evil but the essence of philanthropy is what makes us legends. You can have billions of dollars and still die without using them up, but the wise will only remember you as a grumpy dead man. We hear of rich dead man/woman but we never hear of what they did to improve the community. Don't do good to attract the magazines, or else people will think you are doing it for fame. Do it for love and it will be rewarding.

The wisest philanthropist gives in secret.

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