Prove Your Love-lmao gayyy smut here beware - 6

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"HAHAHAH P-PUT ME DOWN,JEFFERSON!!" Alex laughed wildly as Thomas twirled him in the air, tickling him. Thomas looked at him and smiled, a blush rising to his cheeks. As he spun alex, his hair flew free from it's ponytail, his eyelashes bouncing against his cheeks. Alex had a smile that reminded him why he loved him so much. He gently pulled Alex closer and hugged him tightly. Alex was relieved that he had stopped ticking him and looked up.
"What happened to you?" Alex said with a snicker. Jefferson looked down at him and ran a hand through his hair.

"You're beautiful, Alex." He said. Alex's smiled dropped and he looked up.

"W-what?" Alex said. Even though he strives to be, he had a hard time labeling himself as beautiful. He felt a hand under his legs as he was lifted up. Still flustered, he held on to Thomas's chest as he led them to his bed.

"You, are beautiful. You know it, baby girl." Jefferson said softly. He sat on the bed, alex still facing him but looking down at his lap.

"No, I'm really not." He said, a frown pulling at his face. Thomas sighed.

"If I didn't think you were beautiful, would I do this?"

"Do wha-mm" Alex was cut off when Thomas yanked his head forward, smashing his lips into Alex's. Alex moaned slightly as Thomas bit his lower lip. Thomas got bolder and slowly let his hands slide to the rim of Alex's pants, fumbling with the belt loops. Alex pushed him forward so that he laid down, Alex on top of him. Alex breathed heavily before gingerly laying his hands on Thomas's chest. He felt Jefferson's hands slide up his back, gripping his hips. He whimpered at the touch, slowly unbuttoning Thomas's shirt.

"I-I can't" Alex said, a scared look in his eye. Thomas looked up, and held Alex's arms. Was it something I said?

"Alex, what's wrong?" Thomas said with a hint of disappointment.

"I just-you're-" he took a deep, fluctuating breath.

"You're too good for me." He said, eyes becoming glossy.

"Alex." He didn't respond.
"Alex." He said a little more sternly. Alex looked up and his hands shook.

"Please, please do not feel that way. I love you, I love your body, I love your personality, and I love you, Alexander Hamilton. Don't you ever forget that." He said pulling alex back down. Alex smiled, rubbing his misty eyes. He bent down to kiss Thomas. Thomas touched his tongue to Alex's lips, begging to be let inside. Alex suddenly gasped when Thomas slid his hand down the front of his pants. Thomas smirked as Alex bit his lip, trying not to moan. He was gonna win this round(refer to previous chapters for "rounds"). Or so he thought. Alex removed Thomas's hands and held both his wrists over his head.

"A-Alex, what are you-"

"Shh. Let me prove my love to you." Alexander whispered. Thomas was confused. He was the one that usually took the initiative. Alex slowly gyrated his hips across Thomas's member, a hand gripping his thigh.

"Aah- Alex what are y-you" Thomas started, but was cut off when Alex went faster. Keeping a strong arm around both his Thomas's wrists, he moved faster, up and down his boyfriend's stomach and genital are, starting to get aroused himself.

"Oh Thomas-" Alex growled. Thomas arched his back slightly, trying all his might not to buck his hips up.
"Ahh-h ALEX! D-don't stop, ahh p-please. Faster" Thomas cried out. He tilt his head back, trying to break free from his restraints. The feeling of Alex's warm body up and down his dick was too much. Alex pushed down near his member, making Thomas moan loudly.
"T-Thomas I'm gonna c-come" alex said in a low voice, digging his fingers deeper into Thomas's sides. Thomas arched his back and came, tears rolling down his face.

With One Pill  --  A JAMILTON SMUT AND STORYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin