Clingy much? - 21

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Yuh so guys pleaaaaase do tell me if anything is confusing or just weird I WILL FIX THE PLOT JUST TELL ME LOL here we gooo

2 days later (Thomas was getting better)

"No! No no no no noooooo" Thomas whined as he lazily held on to Alex's blazer. Alex continued to walk towards the door, Thomas sliding across the floor. Alex sighed.

"Thomas, you know I have to go to work today." He said, glaring down at Thomas.

"And you do too." Alex said with his hands on his hips. Thomas rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

"I legit can't, Hamilton. Can you just stay at home with me? Pleaaaase"

"Goddamn it Jefferson, you're acting like a child." Alex said annoyed, trying to pry Thomas's hands off of his coat. Instead, Thomas yanked him forward, Alex toppling over him.

"What about now?" Thomas said waggling his eyebrows; Alex's head was dangerously close to his 'area'. Alex looked up and blushed before standing back up. He smirked.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, you're not in any position to have-" Alex stopped in his tracks. Thomas lowered his head and crossed his arms.

"I know... sorry, Alex." Thomas muttered. Alex instantly felt a pang of guilt in his chest.

"T-that's not what I meant, Thomas." Alex said desperately, folding his hands together. He looked around the room once more before sighing.

"I guess... you could come to work with me." Alex said, looking down at Thomas. Thomas's face immediately lit up.

"Really!?" Thomas asked, standing up. He immediately regretted it, he held his stomach and tried not to fall back.

"Aah- w-wait" Thomas said, wincing in pain. Alex held on to his waist, balancing the tall man. Thomas hovered a foot above Alex, which inconvenienced him greatly. If anything, it was intimidating. But he had to put that aside for now.

"And this, is why I want you to stay home." Alex said a matter-a-factly. Thomas shook his head before regaining his posture and slowly walking to their room to change into something more or presentable. He came out and ran a hand through his hair.

"Noooow do you wanna stay home?" Thomas asked, flourishing in his look. Alex laughed and grabbed Thomas's arm. The two then left the apartment. Before Alex locked he door, he remembered something.

"Oh wait, my pills!" He forgot to take his pill this morning. That was vital, especially today. (You guys know what the pill does right? If that's not clear tell me)

Alex took his small, blue pill and swallowed it with ease, meeting Thomas back outside. He nodded, and the two made their way to Alex's car. Alex helped Thomas get in his seat. Thomas was about to put his seatbelt on when he fumbled.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" Alex asked, buckling his own seatbelt.

"I- uh..." Thomas said, his eyes trained on the belt. God, stop being such a pussy. It's just a seatbelt. Thomas continued on, carefully pulling the leather strap over his chest. His eyes widened as felt the fabric brush his neck. He screamed and let go of the belt, backing away from the belt as far as he could.

"Thomas, Thomas! It's ok, babe what's wrong?!" Alex asked frantically as he held Thomas's back. Thomas whipped his head around and spoke in a whisper.

"T-the be-belt" he stuttered, toying with his fingers in his lap.

"Yeah what about- oh. Oh." Alex finally understood. He felt a wave of anger wash over him. This was because of that bitch ass Laurens and what he did to Thomas with his belt. But Alex couldn't blame him; he was the one that freaked out over the dreams. He pushed Thomas back up into his seat and opened the door to leave his seat, walking around to Thomas's. He held Thomas's hand and smiled warmly.

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