One last Time - 65

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1 and a half years all together.
That's the time.
The time this family has been one.
And in the name of some of our protagonists;

I've learned a lot of lessons
In the short time I have lived
I've learned how to appreciate
And I've learned how to give.

With One Pill.

But in these past few months
There's two I'll remember most
I've learned how to love
And I've learned to let go.

You entered my life with such a force
And left it with one as strong
And though we tried to make it last
We both knew it wouldn't be long.

With One Pill.

I lie at night and think about
How I'm the one to blame.
If only I would have trusted you,
I could have missed this pain.

And so I spent each day of my life
With my heart in pieces
And when I thought it could never be cured,
Something happened; I expected it least.

He came back.
He left us rigid.
He kept us thinking;
"How could we do this?"

       Alex sat in his office cubicle, typing away furiously at his computer. He leaned back in his chair and looked to the clock on the wall, which read 12:48.

Lunch break.

He ran his hands through his hair and closed his laptop, sliding in in his arms as he left his cubicle. As he walked through the halls towards the break room, he greeted many of his colleagues. Until, he met a familiar face. He stopped and smiled.

"Hey Charles." He asserted kindly towards Charles Lee. Remember him? Remember what he did? He took Alex's pills and be- anyway. He had changed. He wasn't a bully anymore. If anything, he became an introvert.

"Hey Alex. H-how's you're project c-coming up?" He stuttered. Lee had a stutter now, at least when he talked to Alex. He would keep apologizing now and then, even when Alex had told him to stop.

"Great! Washington and the board are gonna love it. What are you doing right now?" Alex asked. He knew the word board send shivers down Lee's spine. (CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY? IF u were paying attention😏)

"That's g-great! Listen I gotta get to a lunch meeting. I'll talk to you later. O-oh, and sorry-"

"No. No more apologizing. We talked about this." Alex said sadly and pulled Lee into a small hug before saying bye. He huffed and continued on to the break room. He smiled when he remembered that Thomas had moved to his building wing last week. They both worked under Washington, and Thomas was Alex's boss. But it never felt like it. Ever.


    I neared the break room when I heard murmurs and gasps. I entered the room to find Thomas sitting at the table with his eyes glued to his phone and a swarm of employees around him. Employees that were his friends, at least. I walked up behind him and rubbed his back, only to have him jump immediately.

"Hey Thomas... what happened?" I ask quietly, eyeing the other people. He didn't move. He just sat there and stared at his phone. I crouched down to look at his face, only to notice it was pale; emotionless. I waved some people away from him and pulled up a chair.

"Babe..." my voice lowered to a whisper.

"What happened? You can tell me." I assured him, ignoring some of the homophobic glances we received. He still didn't anything, and his stare didn't change as he handed the phone shakily to me. My eyes widened at his trembling hand as I took the phone. I read through the email he was reading. Or was it an article? A news letter? I didn't know, but it must have been important. As I keep reading, I bring the phone closer to my face. My heart starts beating faster.



I read more as he stands up and almost falls, heading to the bathroom. I keep reading as I feel my close peers comforting me. How did they know? I keep reading.


Please, no.

I throw the phone across the table and scream, hiding my face. It was a bloodcurdling scream, one that everyone in the break room jumped at. One that was all too familiar.

This can't be happening. Not again, dear lord please not again. Not with Philip. Not with Anna. Not with our new life. Not again.

He came back.
He left us rigid.
He kept us thinking;
"How could we do this?"

I'm such a stupid person that no one likes and I'm sorry this sucks. You can leave hate comments at this point I don't even care I'm actually so sorry. I have a good idea and stuff but yeah.

With One Pill  --  A JAMILTON SMUT AND STORYWhere stories live. Discover now