Stolen, not lost - 23

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"THOMAS!" Alex screamed from the bedroom. Thomas was in the kitchen drinking coffee when he heard the ear-piercing scream. He spit his coffee out, placing his mug aside. He ran to Alex, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"What? What happened?" Thomas asked frantically, rushing into the bedroom. Alex looked around the bed and under the covers and pillows. He looked back at Thomas with a scared look, droplets of sweat collecting near his forehead.

"I can't find my pills" Alex peeped. Thomas's eyes widened.

"Shit." Thomas began throwing the blankets off the bed, looking for the small bag. He looked in every drawer and cupboard and rushed into the bathroom to look there. No sign of the pills. He walked back into the room with his hand on the back of his head.

"Shit. Fuck. Gahhh" Thomas said looking around the room once more. Alex paced back in forth.

"W-what am I going to do? I can't do anything without my pills! I can't go anywhere without my pills. I-" Alex gasped in the middle of his sentence.

"I cannot go to office today without my pills. I just can't." Alex said, slumping back onto the bed, covering his face with his hands. Thomas walked over to him and plopped down next to him.

"Yes you can. And I'll come with you. I need to give that Charles Lee a piece of my mind anyway." Thomas said, rubbing Alex's back. Alex looked at Thomas.

"You know, I don't really feel s-scared of you, and I'm not on my pill..." Alex started.

"That's great!" Thomas said, his face brightening.

"But, for some reason I, I..." Alex slapped his forehead.

"Never mind, it's stupid." He said, getting up. He felt a hand grab his wrist and pull him back down.

"No, no please tell me! You can tell me anything Alexander." Thomas reassured. Alex rubbed his neck before sighing.

"I'm too scared to face Lee today. I'm kinda scared of Lee... I think. I-I don't know..." Alex said softly, lowering his head in his hands. Thomas looked out in front of him.
Oh that Lee sure was gonna get a piece of his mind today.


Thomas pushed the office doors open with vigor. As the two walked down the hall to the elevators, they heard small whispers and conversations.

"Did you hear about Hamilton?"

"Oh yeah, did you hear what Lee did during the board meeting yesterday?"

"Did you hear the news about Lee and Hamilton? I heard he's in not so good a shape."

"Goodness, I didn't even know he was gay!"

Thomas and Alex ignored everyone and stepped into an empty elevator.

"Oh god, w-what if he walks in my office again? What if you're not there? Oh god of god oh-"
Thomas silenced him with a kiss. He placed a soft hand on the back of Alex's neck, his fingers intertwined with his long, brown hair. Alex melted into the kiss, his heart fluttering. It was the soft moments like this that Alex savored. Alex wrapped his arms around Thomas's waist, pulling him in closer.


Thomas pulled away with a smirk, leaving a flustered Alex. Thomas walked out the elevator, Alex running to catch up. Thomas looked down to find a wide grin on his face.

"You're adorable." Thomas laughed. Alex just giggled.

"Awwwww how cute." The two heard a familiar voice say. The couple turned to see a smug face. Lee.

"Alex, go to your office." Thomas said quietly without looking back. Without a doubt, Alex rushed off to his cubicle. Thomas looked at Charles with a death stare.

"Actually, Lee. I wanted to talk to you." Thomas said, grabbing the slightly shorter man's arm and pulling him aside.

"Wha- woah!" Lee exclaimed as he was pulled into an empty bathroom.

"What do you want, Jefferson?" Lee sneered.

"I want your word. You and I both know I can't come here everyday. But just cause I'm not here doesn't mean this can continue." Thomas said, trying his best to keep a respectable distance. Charles laughed and looked down at his nails.

"Pftt, what do u mean by 'this'" Charles snickered. His eyes popped open when Thomas grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"I think you know damn well what I mean, Lee. If you so much as taunt Alex, so much as make him feel bad about himself, you'll be in for a world of pain, do you understand?" Thomas spoke in a quiet voice, making it all the more scarier. Charles just nodded, his face getting red. Thomas dropped him and walked outside, Charles scurrying out after him. Thomas huffed as he straightened his shirt before walking back to Alex's cubicle. He knocked quietly on the door, hearing a thud from the inside.

"W-who is it?" Alex stuttered.

"It's me, Alex." Thomas said sweetly. He waited a couple of seconds before the door opened. He looked down to find Alex with red, sunken eyes. He had been crying. Thomas immediately closed the door behind him and pulled Alex inside, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Alex, are you ok?" Thomas asked with a concerned frown.

"I need my pills. I'm a w-wreck without them, Thomas." Alex whispered, holding in his cries. Thomas sighed and pulled him into an embrace. Thomas tilted Alex's chin up, making their eyes meet.

"Alex. Listen to me. You can do this. And as far as Lee, he won't be bothering you anymore, understand?" Thomas said. Alex slowly nodded. He wanted to believe everything Thomas was saying, he really did. But something kept nagging him in the back of his mind. What if Thomas isn't here? He's not gonna be here everyday. Alex sighed and took a seat, facing his laptop again.

"Ok. I-I just need to finish some work." Alex said with a groan. Thomas nodded and headed outside, giving him some privacy. He decided to walk around the halls, maybe he could find someone he knew. As he walked down the hall, he heard a laugh from one of the the cubicles. He heard two laughs.

"Haha, I know. He doesn't know shit. I still have Hamilton's pills; they're both clueless!" One man said before they both burst into laughter again.

"If Washington finds out, we're screwed." One man said. Thomas curled his fist. What the hell was he hearing. Just before he was about to open the door, he heard the first man pipe up.

"As long as we hide these, what, blue pills? As long as we hide these blue-ish pills from his boyfriend, Jefferson, we should be fine."

"Yeah, and Hamilton will have to resign from his position. The weak bastard. Somehow, he got Washington in his pocket. That'll change soon; Hamilton's a dead man." The two men snickered and supposedly high-fived.

Thomas pushed the door open, and the first thing he saw was the that same smug face.

Yeah I'm aware of how much this chapter sucks. Guys please please please tell me if this is getting boring I really need to know also I honestly love you guys so much I hope each and everyone one of you know that smh

P.S I'm a piece of shitrash so yeah feel free to kill me bye

With One Pill  --  A JAMILTON SMUT AND STORYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin