It's Official, PART TWO - 40!!!

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Thomas and Alex stood in the buzzing crowd of parents and couples, looking for a counter to seek assistance. They had been directed to the facility by the wedding planner, who had given then the official papers. This would seal their marriage.
As Thomas stood in front of many hurried pushing people, he felt anxiety rise up in him, beckoning to go home and pick up Anna. They could do this later.

"A-Alex, let's just go home. We can always come back later." Thomas mumbled, rubbing his arm. Alex was busy scanning through the papers, dragging Thomas through different lines and cues.

"No Thomas, we can do this. We just need to find the right line and person to talk to. Also, we have the get these sighed the day of. Don't worry, we'll get it done and go back home, sound good?" Alex asked, finally stopping and looking up from the documents. Thomas sighed and nodded.

"Okay! I think this is the right line, follow me." Alex said, starting off into the crowd again. Thomas groaned and followed the small man.

"Well Anna, I'm glad you told me. We can talk later to Thomas about this-"

"No! O-h my, I didn't mean to raise my v-voice, sorry. I just mean, no, let's not tell Thomas for now. I don't want him to get mad at the fact James is scaring me even now. I don't think I can handle Thomas getting enraged. Besides, he doesn't deserve that right now." Anna mumbled, fiddling with her thumbs. She looked up at John.

"For now, let's keep it between you and me?"

"Sure thing, sis." They fist bumped and let the subject drop.

"On a lighter note, let's talk about school and shit. Oops. Am I aloud to swear around you?  Do Thomas and Alex swear around you? Sorry, I have no clue what the deal is with teenagers these days... care to fill me in?" John said with a stupid grin. Anna laughed and leaned back against the couch, beginning to ramble on about school and friends. Perfect, John thought. At least now, she was happy.

One more couple until it was their turn to reach the counter. Thomas wringed his shirt out of nervousness; why was he nervous? He tapped Alex's arm softly. Alex looked back with a smile that quickly faded.

"Babe, what wrong?? You're completely red!" Alex exclaimed.

"N-nothing but, do you think you could do the talking?" Thomas asked. He actually did have something in the back of his mind. He couldn't quite place his finger on it, but something was there. They heard their names being called next, and they both walked forward.

Alex strode up to the counter and inhaled brightly.

"Hello, ma'am! We're here to talk about these papers." Alex said politely, sliding the papers forward. The woman thanked him and looked over the papers before looking up with a smug smile.

"Is this man here your husband, Mr. Hamilton?" She asked.

"He sure is!" Alex said with a wide grin. The three laughed, Thomas more forced. Why was he so nervous? Snap out of it, Thomas.

"Ok boys, just sign here, here, here, and here. Great!" The woman said, taking the papers back. She shuffled them and placed them in a file.

"Now, we just need to ask some questions. Are you both alright with that?" She asked. They both nodded slightly.

"Ok. How old are each of you."

"Im 22 and Thomas is 23."

"Ok. Let's see... ah! Are parents supportive or funding any part of this bondage?" She asked. Alex looked down at his shoes, then at Thomas before continuing.

"No... no parents whatsoever." He said solemnly. The woman looked up, surprised.

"Oh, alright then. I'm... I am sorry to hear that." She spoke gently. "I don't want to bother you gentleman, so I'll make this quick for today. Last question; have you or do you plan on adopting children." She asked casually. Truth be told, it was not a casual question.

Thomas felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach. This. This has been what's keeping him on edge. He pulled Alex aside without doubt.

"Alex, wait."

"Baby, what happened to you? You're completely red! Tell me what's going on." Alex said gently, placing a hand on Thomas's waist.

I don't- we can't- I feel like we shouldn't tell anyone." Thomas stuttered out, his eyes darting around the room.

"Tell anyone what?"

"About... Anna. That she's staying with us. I don't want it to get more complicated that it already is. I don't want anything bad to happen, I don't want her to be t-taken away... as for adopting, I-I" Thomas began, he felt tears pricking at his eyes.

"Shhh, it's okay. We don't have to tell anyone. Don't worry, Anna is safe with us. We'll take good care of her. And yes, we'll move slow, and your pace. We're not adopting if you don't feel comfortable." Alex said with a sad smile. He didn't want Thomas to feel discouraged or set back by the whole affair. Thomas watched as Alex spun around and continued to talk to the woman at the counter. He heard a "thank you, have a nice day" before Alex grabbed his sleeve and dragged him outside.

"We're finally done! Here, you need some fresh air. Meet me back in the car so we can go pick I Anna." Alex said with a slight peck on the lips before walking to the drivers seat.

Thomas took a deep breath and smiled. It was over. They were married. It was true.

"Wow." Thomas muttered to himself. He walked back to the car and sat in the seat.

"Let's go get my sister." Thomas said with a grin.

Alex and Thomas arrived at John's apartment and knocked on the door frantically. Thomas needed to see Anna. His heart stopped when he heard screaming and yelling inside. He looked at Alex once more before kicking and pounding on the door.

"John, open the fucking door!!" Thomas yelled. The screaming and yells didn't end. Alex joined in too, kicking the door with as much force as he could muster up. With one last blow, Thomas finally kicked open the door and him and Alex rushed in.

"John, you're- oh. Oh. OOOH." Thomas said as he slapped his forehead. Alex ran up behind him and his jaw dropped. John and Anna sat in the edge of the couch as stared at the TV, gaming controllers glued to their hands.

"Die, die, die!" John yelled, his thumbs working furiously over the keys.

"Watch out! And... yes! I killed them! Haha, take that zombie assholes!" Anna turned to high five John and turned back to the game. They were so into the loud, blaring game that they didn't even acknowledge Alex and Thomas. Thomas looked at Alex and smiled, placing a hand around his waist.

"Who knew John was so good with kids?" Thomas laughed, looking back at the two gamers.

"Thomas, I think John is a kid." Alex laughed, leaning into Thomas as they watched the two friends play furiously at the gory game. Alex lifted his head up to the clock on the wall. It was almost 9:00 pm. They should head home soon. Alex looked to left and looked out the window with a frown.


It was raining.

THE NEXT CHAPTER IS SO CUTE!!! Srry this was trash lmao

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